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Letters to the Editor
from C. Jeffery Small, Kent McManigal, A. Reader, L. Neil Smith, and The Unrepentant Patriots
The Right to Own and Carry Weapons
by L. Neil Smith
This essay is not about numbers. Numbers can be handy, sometimes, and
at present, where the issue of weapons and self-defense is concerned, they are solidly on
the side of individual liberty. But almost anyone can make numbers seem to prove anything
he wants them to. They never seem to win arguments or change minds. If you want numbers
pertinent to the private ownership of guns and other weapons, there are plenty of other
places to find them.
Central Mass
by Jim Davidson
This year at the Illinois state convention (on information and belief)
founder of the Libertarian Party, candidate for the United States Senate from Arizona, and
mensch David Nolan spoke at some length about his expectations for the future. He started
with a question: what do an egg, a city like Chicago, and a spiral galaxy have in common?
All three have a large central mass.
Theft of Intellectual Property?
by Iloilo Marguerite Jones
Cathy L.Z. Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise gives a novel
account of why intellectual property is, indeed, a scarce resource. The pattern created
by an artist or writer represents her time. If you take it without paying what she asks,
you are stealing her time, stealing part of her life. Of course, I can also simply stop
creating and live by working at a fast food joint, thus making the entire argument moot.
But if I do create, where is the incentive to do so if there is no right to the property
I create?
"War is Hell"
by A.X. Perez
"War is Hell." Originally said by William T. Sherman, it echoes
Robert E. Lee's "It is good that war is so terrible lest we grow too fond of it."
Both men made it clear war is terrible and something to be avoided, a point too
many political leaders and persons seeking office seem to miss.
It all comes back to "Honest Abe"
by Paul Bonneau
I was thinking about what keeps people asleep about reality, and what
can cause them to wake up. One point that seems an excellent "shot of caffeine in the
morning" is learning about Saint Lincoln.
Sapients in Name Only
by L. Neil Smith
It's passing strange to hear your own words and ideas coming back
at you from the radio, especially across a gap of thirty years or more. Yet that's what
I seemed to be hearing this morning, from Mark Davis, a radio talk show host from Texas,
filling in today for Rush Limbaugh.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 94
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 94 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!