Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 589, September 26, 2010

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Obama bans nearly 1 million rifles
by Dudley Brown
[email protected]

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Special to The Libertarian Enterprise

Did you know that Barack Obama has banned nearly a million American made rifles?

Nearly a million rifles.

Banned by Barack Obama and his anti-gun cronies.

In an executive order the Obama Administration has secretly blocked the re-importation of American made M-1 Garand and Carbine rifles being stored in South Korea.

These rifles were used by the US military during the Korean War and left there after the war was over.

With one stroke of his pen, he by-passed the legislative process and banned nearly a million American made rifles by executive fiat.

That's why I instructed my staff to prepared a petition and video against Obama's Historic Rifle Ban.

Click here to watch the video and then sign the petition to President Obama and congressional leaders Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid stating your opposition to the Historic Rifle Ban.

Make no mistake, these rifles were made in America, by Americans and used by American soldiers to defend freedom on foreign shores and are greatly sought after by American shooters and collectors.

Now State Department officials claim these antique, collector rifles could be used to commit crimes.

While the radical anti-gun crowd is giddy with praise for Obama's latest back-door gun ban, law-abiding citizens across the United States are crying foul.

These outrageous claims are a thinly veiled attempt to distract from Obama's special interest payback to the radical anti-gun crowd. This desperate pandering must not be allowed to continue.

That's why we've prepared a petition and video against Obama's Historic Rifle Ban.

Click here to watch the video and sign the petition.

It has been common practice since the end of World War II to re-import these American made rifles from the foreign allies they were lent to after the war.

During the Reagan Administration a similar import request for 200,000 Garand rifles was approved.

State Department officials say they are working with South Korea to "dispose" of these American made rifles.

You and I both know that is bureaucratic code for the melting down and destruction of these iconic American made rifles.

On top of banning American citizens from owning these rifles, Obama's State Department is arranging for the destruction of nearly one million historic, American rifles.

To help dispel some of the myths surrounding this iconic American rifle, Director of Operations Luke O'Dell interviewed M-1 Garand expert Rory Edwards.

Click the link below to view the video.

Let me be clear: at no time in U.S. history has the ownership of any part of this gun been restricted or banned.

These firearms -- truly pieces of American history -- rightly belong in the hands of U.S. citizens, and Obama has banned nearly one million of them without cause.

Please click here to learn more about the M-1 Garand and Barack Obama's ban on the re-import of nearly one million American made rifles.

Once you've watched the video, please sign the petition against Obama's Historic Rifle Ban.

The National Association for Gun Rights' staff will compile your petitions and forward them to President Barack Obama and Congressional leaders Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Also, please chip in $15 or $25 to help the National Association for Gun Rights continue to fight the Obama Historic Rifle Ban.

Thank you, in advance for joining me in standing up against this outrageous anti-gun action.

P.S. In a secret executive order, President Barack Obama has secretly blocked the re-import of nearly a million American made rifles.

That's nearly a million historic rifles that Obama doesn't want in the hands of American citizens like you and me.

Please click here to watch a video about the M-1 Garand rifle and sign a petition against Barack Obama's Historic Rifle Ban.

Once you've seen the video and signed the petition, please chip in $15 or $20 to help the National Association for Gun Rights continue to fight Obama's Historic Rifle Ban.

To help the National Association for Gun Rights grow, please forward this to a friend.

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Help fight gun control. Donate to the National Association for Gun Rights!

Dudley Brown is the Executive Director of The National Association for Gun Rights

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[email protected]


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