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Three ads this week
Letters to the Editor
from L. Neil Smith, A.X. Perez, Richard Bartucci, Ye Old Editor, Craig Goodrich, and Ted Ball
My Tea Party
by L. Neil Smith
The proverbial Chinese wish, "May you live in interesting times" isn't always
a curse, although it has seemed like that for most of our lives.
Adding Insult to Injury
by E.J. Totty
Check this out: Yesterday, the faucet for the sink in the master bathroom
started to leak around the cold water valve side. As a side note, I don't know why it's called
such, i.e., master bedroom/bathroom, because I'm no master of anyone, I just live here. But my
girlfriendbeing the wisecrack she issuggested the 'master' part had something to do
with fishing. You know, there being an apprentice baiter, then a journeyman baiter, and then of
course the man with the most experience: The Master Baiter.
The Great Milk Robbery
by Anthony Shelley
In last week's TLE, (Number 592, October 17, 2010) Paul Bonneau makes
interesting points to IPR proponents without getting into the "we have copiesyou still
have your original" issue. He puts the burden of property protection where it belongson
the one who claims ownership.
IP/No-IP remarks
by Warren Tilson
I would like to throw some fresh meat into the IP/no-IP arena. If you
follow the links you will find that a German author has written a work about the relative
lack of IP protection in German and comparing that to the same time period in England
where they had very strong IP laws.
The Birth of AmericaA New Poem by Brian Faulkner
from C. Jeffery Small
O Tea-Party people, rise up now and set your sights / On the darling
peak of Individual Rights!
Republicans Pledge to Obey the Constitution
by Paul Koning
News flash! "Republicans promise to stop beating spousesDemocrats
refuse to join pledge" That's what Mr. Boehner's promise to ensure "that all legislation be
constitutional" amounts to.
The Plan: An Unprecedentted Opportunity
A Note From L. Neil Smith
I don't usually back the play of conservatives, and I've had plenty of
criticisms to make of Rush Limbaugh over the years, but he devoted most of his time today
responding to the current Republican leadership who say that, after the election, their
party will have to be prepared to compromise with Obama if they expect to get anything
The Workman Can't Pawn His Tools
by Jim Davidson
Yesterday I made a wrong turn on a busy street. The shoppe I was looking
for had a mirror image on the other side of the street. One was Acme glass, the other was
Acme body shop. So I ended up next to a pawn shop. Well, it was going to be a long time
before traffic cleared the light and I could get across the street, so I parked and went inside.
Thwarting Tyranny With Bullets
by Russell D. Longcore
If you're a regular reader here at DumpDC, you see that we spend a
significant amount of time talking about monetary policy as it relates to secession. We
also point you toward making purchases of gold and silver, with our emphasis on silver...
since it's cheaper and more readily available to the masses.
There Is No Hope
by Jim Davidson
Politicians speak artfully of hope. Obama campaigned on the "hope"
that he would actually restore habeas corpus, actually free people not charged with any
crime, actually bring back due process, actually end don't ask don't tell, actually end
the subsidies for giant corporations, actually end the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan,
Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, and the military occupation of 805 bases in 163 countries.
Guess what? He lied.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 98
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 98 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!