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Letters to the Editor
from E.J. Totty, A.X. Perez, MamaLiberty (a.k.a. Susan Callaway),
Ward Griffiths, Richard Bartucci, Boyd W. Smith, Neale Osborn, and L. Neil Smith
The Owner of the Deed
by L. Neil Smith
When I was a young shiny-faced activist in the antiwar movement of
the 1960s (and a lone libertarian among leftists of every imaginable variety), there
was an extremely popular folksong going around called "Universal Soldier". Written and
sung by Buffy Sainte-Marie, it may have been the only thing the woman ever wrote that
I agreed with completely. And still do.
Xcor, Space Experience Curaçao, and KLM Airline: Get ready to rumble
by Jim Davidson
Are you ready for a street fight? That's the question I have for my
old friend Aleta Jackson, co-founder of XCor Aerospace, and her associates. Because, in
simple truth, that's what I experienced with Space Travel Services, that's what Walt
Anderson experienced after making waves with MirCorp, and that seems to be what it takes
to get off this planet.
Inflation is Not Your Friend!
by C. Jeffery Small
Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke thinks that we don't have
enough inflation in this country, so he is now engaged in printing up $600 billion
crisp new dollars with which he will purchase government securities such as treasury
bills. Of course, the average person has a glimmer of understanding that just printing
money out of thin air might not be such a good thing to do. (Don't we call that
counterfitting when others do it?) So the Fed tries to distract us from those concerns
by calling it Quantitative Easing, because who actually understands exactly what that
means? Well, let's allow this short video explain it to us:
Good profiling and bad profiling
by Paul Bonneau
The TSA fiasco has got libertarians writing about alternatives. Now,
I can't get too excited about other "more refined" ways of detecting "terrorists", since
that notion admits it is government's job to protect me. I reject that; the last thing I
want is to have that bunch of murderous bastards "protecting" me. The things actually
protected in this fiasco are, for example, Michael Chertoff's good fortune.
TSA Gropings and Nudie Shotsa Deliberate Plan To Cut Back on Travel?
by Neale Osborn
I have been following the various controversies over the TSA and it's
un-Constitutional warrantless searches. (Makes MY view obvious, doesn't it?) I've listened
to John Tyner's recordings, read the accompanying article, and read of the pilot objections
to the intrusive searches, read of the little old lady who wants to wear a strap-on dildo
to screw with the Nudie-Shot cameras, and other possible problems with the TSA's so-called
security procedures. Last night it occurred to me that this MIGHT be part of a greater plan
(conspiracies AGAIN, Osborn?) to restrict the un-fettered travel Americans have enjoyed our
entire history. Between the proliferation of AGW (anthropogenic global warming) BS being used
to control businesses and manufacturing, the ever increasing reduction in both the size and
comfort of cars, and the ever rising prices of gasoline, voluntary travel is being cut more
and more every year. So, is the latest round of security bullshit another round in the
anti-travel gun?
It's... The Economy
by Jim Davidson
And now for something completely different. It's... Okay, it isn't
Monty Python's Flying Circus. It's ... the Economy. As in, "It's the economy, stupid"
which was the 1992 political catch phrase that eventually put Bill Clinton in office.
The State Owns Your Sorry AssLiterally!
The Kaptain's Log
by Kaptain Kanada, a.k.a. Manuel Miles
I've been threatening for some time to re-enter the anti-imperial
fray and now, between bouts of this winter's cold virus and fervent prayers for global
warming, I've finally become angry enough to to so. What, you might ask, could so
irritate your kindly Kaptain as to cause another entry in his infamous Log? It's the
God damned police state at the airports, you won't be surprised to learn.
The Laws of War
by Bob Wallace
"War is a Racket" is the famous essay by Smedley Butler, a Marine General
who said for years he made war "long and hard" until he finally woke up to what he was doing.
In his essay he pointed out that wars are started for economic reasonsfor money. And that
he was just a thug and enforcer for corporate interests in other countries.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 101
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 101 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!