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Letters to the Editor
from Wes Carr, Pat Holder, Chris Claypoole, Crazy Al, E.J. Totty,
MamaLiberty (a.k.a. Susan Callaway), and The Editor
A State of EducationSome Views of a Nontraditional Student
by Cathy L.Z. Smith
I find nothing with which to disagree in Greg Lukianoff's analysis of
the state of free speech on today's college and university campuses (see Greg Lukianoff on
campus censorship). Censorship is a nearly universal trend, one embraced by both sides of
the political spectrum, leaving those on either side who would argue against it with little
recourse and no firm ground upon which to mount their objections.
Man, They Are Still On That Shooting
by James Glaser
You have to know if a member of Congress or a federal judge had not
been shot at that supermarket in Arizona that story would be old news by now. Even if
someone, let's say a school teacher, were making the recovery that Gabrielle Giffords is
making, we wouldn't hear about it. However, because Giffords is one of America's elite,
we still get almost hourly updates on her condition and improvements.
Goose Stepping Through Woodland Hills
by Wayne Grantham
Yesterday (Jan 19, 2011) a cop was shot. He wasn't hurt severely; he
had a bulletproof vest under his uniform (Incidentally, if any of us "little people" wear
a bulletproof vest, we're automatically suspected to be criminals. It may not even be
legal.) Within minutes, some 350 LAPD storm troopers cordoned off a 7-square-mile area
of the West San Fernando Valley, sealing thousands off from their homes and their
children's day-prisons. Sealing more thousands into the area, unable to go to their
homes elsewhere. 9000 students were locked down in their prisons (as if that's not the
case during every weekday).
by A.X. Perez
Freedom is risky, it's dangerous. It means making choices and taking
chances on the outcomes. Consider vaccines. You have to weigh the chances of whether you
will get sick with the infectious disease in question, how sick you are going to get (up
to and including death), and the risk that you will spread it to others, against the chances
that you will have a bad reaction to the vaccine (everything from mild fever to autism for
young children to death from allergic reaction). Frequently, the dangers are misstated out
of ignorance and/or malice. On the one hand there have been scares over swine and bird flu,
West Nile Virus and so on. On the other hand there is an ongoing debate over whether the
evidence that vaccines cause autism was falsified.
Three 'Toons About Sara Palin
by Rex "Baloo" May
Three, count 'em three cartoons.
A Word About Sweeter Than Wine
by L. Neil Smith
My publisher, Shahid Mahmud of Phoenix Pick, the science fiction
imprint for Arc Manor, is highly unusual among publishers, in that he wants me to be
happy with the way my books turn out. There's nothing inside my Phoenix Pick books I
don't want there, and nothing has been taken out that I wanted in. I have to be happy
with the cover or Shahid isn't happy. For those of you who don't do what I do for a
living, you may rely on me when I say this is a rare quality in the industry and I
value it highly.
A History of Freedom of Thought
Chapter IV
Prospect of Deliverance (The Renaissance and the Reformation)
by John Bagnell Bury
The intellectual and social movement which was to dispel the darkness
of the Middle Ages and prepare the way for those who would ultimately deliver reason from
her prison, began in Italy in the thirteenth century. The misty veil woven of credulity
and infantile naïveté which had hung over men’s souls and protected them from understanding
either themselves or their relation to the world began to lift. The individual began to
feel his separate individuality, to be conscious of his own value as a person apart from
his race or country (as in the later ages of Greece and Rome); and the world around
him began to emerge from the mists of mediaeval dreams. The change was due to the
political and social conditions of the little Italian States, of which some were republics
and others governed by tyrants.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 109
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 109 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!