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Three ads this week
Letters to the Editor
from L. Neil Smith and Crazy Al
Egyptian Tea Party
by L. Neil Smith
"They're rioting in Africa," as Sheldon Harnick put it, "la la la la
la la la ... " As usual, what few, tiny scraps of solid information we receive fresh, at
the very beginning of monumental events -- before vested interests begin to cover up or
distort the truth -- is accompanied by plenty of disinformation, deliberate or otherwise,
and above all, contradiction.
Rules For Republicans:
A Principled Primer For Genuine Conservatives
by L. Neil Smith
Longtime readers will recognize this collection of observations as
deriving from my essay "Tactical Reflections", which I probably first wrote around 1995.
This version has been edited, slightly, to be of greater use to the new Tea Party
Republicans, under pressure by the Old Guard to give up what they believe in and were
elected to carry out.
China Moon
by L. Neil Smith
I'm a novelist by trade, with overwhelming emphasis on science
fiction. While many folks believe that "if it's sci-fi it doesn't have to make sense",
the truth is, if a science fiction writer doesn't have all his ducks in a row,
scientifically and otherwise, his loyal fans will make him think being eaten alive
by piranhas is a pleasurable experience.
A History of Freedom of Thought
Chapter V
Religious Toleration
by John Bagnell Bury
In the third century B.C. the Indian king Asoka, a man of
religious zeal but of tolerant spirit, confronted by the struggle between two
hostile religions (Brahmanism and Buddhism), decided that both should be equally
privileged and honoured in his dominions. His ordinances on the matter are
memorable as the earliest existing Edicts of toleration. In Europe, as we saw,
the principle of toleration was for the first time definitely expressed in the
Roman Imperial Edicts which terminated the persecution of the Christians.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 111
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 111 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!