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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 607, February 13, 2011 "Happy Anniversary!" ![]()
Send Letters to editor@ncc-1776.org
Letter from World Net Daily via L. Neil Smith The Power of Beer When you get there, you can just let the video run, or you may move the beer slider... Man, what a cutie!! E.J. Totty [email protected] ["Beer good.... foamy!Buffy The Vampire Slayer] Another disturbing secret revealed about the Nazis Check this out, then go reador better yet, buyRoswell, Texas at www.BigHeadPress.com L. Neil Smith
A Fistful of LNS URLs The Libertarian Enterprise
The Webley Page
The L. Neil Smith Page at Phoenix Pick
The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel
Roswell, Texas, a graphic novel
TimePeeper, a graphic novel
Phoebus Krumm, a graphic novel
Ceres Online the text novel
L. Neil Smith at Random (blog)
Where We Stand:
Lever Action online
The Heart of the Matter
L. Neil Smith at JPFO
L. Neil Smith
Extremely Important Article
This article has motivated me to add a chapter on the UN to my new book Where We Stand www.where-we-stand.com. Look for it in a few days, after I finish the current piece on globular warmulization. L. Neil Smith
The Nature of Compromise For the last two years people have been waiting for the other shoe to drop. Barack Obama has been very careful to be neutral or even sometimes slightly pro gun on gun control issues. At the time this is being written he has not called for any new gun control measures even after the attempted assassination of Congresswoman Gabriela Gifford. This is not to say his team has not pushed antigun action, this is just to say he has so far stayed "above the fray." Thus the concern about sabotic descent. Obama's core constituency is liberal Northeast/ Rustbelt liberal Democrats, people who do believe in gun control. Before he was elected President Mr. Obama supported gun control. As President he has gone mute. Sooner or later, regardless of his personal opinion on its wisdom, BO will have to support some gun control measure just to keep faith with his core followers. This prospect is scary for several reasons. The first is that BO has built up evidence that he is a "moderate on gun control." Thee and me may correctly believe he was laying out a false trail, too many people won't. Therefor when he proposes what he calls "reasonable, common sense" regulations people will hear these coming from a man with credentials as a moderate. Secondly, what if he offers a deal? Ad argumendo, what if Mr. Obama offers to get rid of (list of truly obnoxious gun control measures of your choice) in exchange for passing (two or three gun control measures of your choice) that are arguably simply closing loopholes in existing laws that we don't find that obnoxious anyhow? Sorry about the clumsy parentheses, just don't want to give anyone ideas. There are a lot of Americans who don't get it that "not be infringed" means almost no regulation (I will concede that anyone detained because of criminal charges or for medical reasons should be disarmed until they're released) and will accept this argument. Too many politicians are used to calling what they do the art of the possible, the art of compromise. So if a President with a record for being a moderate in the gun debate shows up offering a lot of major concessions in exchange for a few minor concession (or at least gives that appearance) it might actually work. So the question remains. do we oppose every measure tooth and toenail, no quarter asked or given, or do we get the best price we we can for anything we end up having to give up? I have my own opinion and I'm sure you have yours. The one thing we must do is make sure that we aren't tricked into giving up one anything to keep what we already have. A.X. Perez
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