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Three ads this week
Letters to the Editor
from, MamaLiberty (a.k.a. Susan Callaway), "bp", Paul Bonneau,
Mr. A. Nonymous, MacGregor K. Phillips, James J. Odle. amd A.X. Perez
Federal Marshals Threaten, Censor Libertarian Enterprise
by L. Neil Smith
For the first time, in its sixteenth year of publication, this
journal of libertarian views and opinionbound by an absolute moral resolve never
to initiate force against anyone for any reason, nor to advocate or delegate its
initiationhas been threatened by agents of the federal government and ordered
to remove content from its website.
We Report ...
by the staff
PUBLISHER'S NOTE: no changes have been made to this material except
that it has been broken into paragraphs and extraneous punctuation removed so it can
actually be read. It was sent to us by one David J. Earnest, who is solely and
deliberately responsible for our recent scrape with federal marshals (he actually
brags about it), and this is absolutely the last time his writings will ever appear
in the virtual pages of The Libertarian Enterprise.
You Decide
by the staff
[PUBLISHER'S NOTE: we present herewith Jim Davidson's reply to David
J. Earnest.]
Visions of the Future
by Bob Wallace
When I was in college I took four economics courses: Principles of
Macro, Principles of Micro, and Intermediate Macro and Intermediate Micro. Half of the
materialthe free market halfmade sense. The other half, being Keynesian/Marxist
nonsense, should have been junked 60 years ago.
For Washington, It Is a Big Game With No Ending
by James Glaser
The first rule in Washington's game is tell the people what they want
to hear. It doesn't matter how outrageous they have to be, just keep the American public
satisfied that they are working for us. The truth? Well, the truth doesn't really matter.
That is why President Obama can pretend that he is doing something about our debt, and the
Republicans can pretend that they are going to do even more.
Of Pine Trees and Light Bulbs
by L. Neil Smith
The earliest flag associated with the American Revolution shows
the image of a pine tree, beneath which is the legend, "An Appeal To Heaven". I'd
often wondered about what I thought was a fairly strange logo and motto, but in the
dark days before the Internet, information was a great deal harder to find than it
is today. Then, in 1972, I attended a seminar given in Wichita, Kansas, by the famous
libertarian author and lecturer, Robert LeFevre (most likely, you know him better as
Professor Bernardo de la Paz from Robert A. Heinlein's novel The Moon is a Harsh
Mistress), and he told us this story about the Pine Tree Flag.
Why a University?
by Jim Davidson
Some people, notably enthusiasts of voting, secession, and
nullification, have been asking me what I am doing to advance the cause of
freedom. What do I think is better than another political campaign, another
nullification crisis, or another secession crisis? And, of course, why do I
think so?
Holy, Freaking, Bouncing (blond, anarchist, with battle rifles) Bovines!
Not Jes' "Holy Cow!"
by Michael Bradshaw
The piece by Paul Bonneau in TLE 607 "The End of the Minarchist/Anarchist
Dispute" reminds me of my ex's "no-bake cookies", although it does not leave quite as good a
taste in the mouth. She {Barbara, not Paul (Although he may be able to, as well. Damn! Now I
gotta look up our Mom's oatmeal / raisin / chocolate-chip / walnut recipe...)Alter Ego}
could make a darn-good cookie without the application of heat. Paul tries to do that with
psyops, using little more application of thought.
The Churchill Memorandum, by Sean Gabb
Reviewed by L. Neil Smith
Let me begin this with a disclaimer: Sean Gabb, the author of The
Churchill Memorandum is a friend of mine. Author, lecturer, TV and radio personality,
Sean is what used to be called a "man of parts", intelligent, principled, and tough.
Through perspicacity and dogged determination, he has become the face and voice of
libertarianism in Britain.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 114
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 114 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!