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Letters to the Editor
from A.X. Perez and Renata Russell
Start with NASA
by Jim Davidson
In reading L. Neil Smith's recent essay on dumping the GOP in the
harbour, it occurs to me to suggest that space enthusiasts in the freedom community
begin pushing for an end to NASA as the starting place for budget cuts.
Prohibition of Any Kind Sucks
by Neale Osborn
Ok, my friends, let's start out with this link [to an article I wrote recently
on NewsVine]. Some of you may have read it when I put it out to you fellow individualists. Now, to
prohibitions NOT based on age. Of course, the example that always comes up when people deal with
this topic, Prohibition. It made criminals out of people as varied as my Great Grandma (bathtub
gin maker) and Joe Sixpack who wants a beer after work. It ALSO triggered the rise to power of
the Mafia, always a criminal organization, but relatively speaking, lower key. Of course, before
they repealed prohibition, Mafioso like Al Capone were all household names, murders were so common
that it took a massacre to make the news.
Whither Gold and Silver?
by Jim Davidson
My friend Jesse wrote today to inquire about the upcoming Summer
doldrums. Almost every year there is a seasonality to the price of gold and silver. It
is a fixture in our industry, and all gold bugs know about it. The saying is: "Sell in
May and go away. Try to remember to buy in September."
Koros to Hubris to Ate to Nemesis
by Bob Wallace
There is nothing more pitiless and perceptive than mythology. It's not
taught in schools or the churches or by parents. Too bad.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 121
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 121 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!