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Three ads this week. We always have three ads.
Letters to the Editor
from The Editor, L. Neil Smith, Bruce Sommer, Richard Bartucci, and A.X. Perez
Little Bits of Junk
by L. Neil Smith
Watching an old National Geographic or Nova documentary on
NetFlix the other day I was reminded all over again of how badly the English language has been
mangled to achieve the objectives of collectivism.
When Nitwits are in Charge
by A.X. Perez
About a year ago a Border Patrol agent shot and killed a fifteen year
old boy along the Rio Grande in the Downtown El Paso area. He was part of a group throwing
rocks at the agent so that a comrade of theirs arrested across the river could escape. After
all the political dust had settled the shooting was ruled justifiable homicide by an FBI
investigation. The boy's (or young man's, depending on your point of view.) is still suing.
A quick review of facts is in order.
Letter to a Religious Person
by L. Neil Smith
For a little while I've found myself on the mailing list of a
religious individual who keeps sending me messages having to do with Jesus. I
tolerated it because it's easy enough to delete messages (like everybody else, I
get bundles of very promising offers from Nigeria, and I've probably won a couple
billion dollars by now in this or that lottery). But finally I got tired of it
and I wrote the guy telling him politely that his messages were wasting my time
and his electrons, and asking him to take me off his list. Quite obligingly, he
said he would, but his parting words seemed to require an answer, and this
(allowing for some editorial changes I made later) is what I wrote to him.
I Like Big Knives: Tanteaux
by L. Neil Smith
You can learn something new every day, if you pay attention. Imagine
my surprise when I recently discovered that the tanto, that most Japanese of all knives
isn't really Japanese at allat least not recently, and at least not the form we're
most familiar withbut fully as American as fish and chips, hot and sour soup, and pizza.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 122
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 122 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!