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Letters to the Editor
from Crazy Al
Musings on Mercantilism
by L. Neil Smith
All of our lives, we Baby Boomers and those who have come after
us, have been loftily informed by the culture's intelligentsia, by
the literati, by the cognoscenti that the way we live -- we
children of the Productive Class -- where we choose to live, mostly in
the suburbs, is all wrong, hideous, like something out of a horror
Barack Obama and the Incredible Flying Spaghetti Monster
by L. Reichard White
This tall tale is about a legend that wasn't. It's brought to you by
Mr. Obama, Uncle Sam -- and The Incredible Flying Spaghetti Monster. The story
begins with the original attack on Afghanistan in October of 2001.
Did They Fight and Die For Our Freedom?
by Susan Callaway
The red face, shaking finger and loud voice was bad enough, of course,
and the attempt to make me feel guilty for objecting to the police state America has become
was, naturally, insulting to my intelligence. But the most horrible part was the fact that
this old, grizzled veteran had lived most of his life truly believing that the death and
destruction he and so many others had suffered and witnessed in America's wars was the
only thing that stood between us and the loss of America or American liberty.
Communism, and why it not only WON'T work but CAN'T work!
by Neale Osborn
Earlier today, on another of my articles comment section, a person I
have fun with said she'd love to live in a communist society. Here's
the relevant part of her comment.
Atlas Shrugged: A Movie Review
by Sean Gangol
Recently, the first installment of the movie adaptation of the
classic Ayn Rand novel, Atlas Shrugged was released in theaters. In 1992 an
entrepreneur who happened to be a fan of the original novel, purchased the rights,
hoping to make a faithful movie adaptation. For many years the project sat idle. At
one point Angelina Jolie and Charlene Theorizan were interested in playing Dagny
Taggart, the novel's main protagonist and there were talks of a mini-series, all
of which never came to pass.
Activist judges to the left of me...
by Jim Davidson
...and activist judges to the right of me. Here I am, stuck in the
middle with you.
Not Letting Go
by A.X. Perez
Between the War on Crime, the War on Drugs, and the War on Terror the
US Government is at war with the American people. As a result even
the most honest police officer, driven by love for the Bill of
Rights, is reduced to a foot soldier in the Army of occupation. Of
course, when you live next door to a three way shooting war between
drug smugglers and Mexican police of varying degrees of integrity,
having an army of occupation on hand comes in handy.
In Praise of Greed and Envy
by Doug Carkuff
We have been hearing a lot about greed in the last several years,
particularly in regard to Wall Street, big banks and the financial crisis. The crisis
was caused by the insatiable greed of investment bankers and financial speculators
with their mortgage backed securities and predatory lending and hedge funds and
derivatives and whatnot. It all happened because all these people got greedy and
exploited the system. And, of course, greed, as Tom Woods has said, apparently comes
in 20 year cycles.
Frontline Hit Piece on Bradley Manning
by Jim Davidson
This evening the Pubic Broadcasting Service hour-long news analysis
and editorial opinion show "Frontline" carried a carefully crafted hit piece on Bradley
Manning and Julian Assange. It was crafty in its attempts to present itself as balanced
or objective. It was clearly a deliberate hit piece, making repeated ad hominem attacks
on both Manning and Assange.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 127
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 127 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!