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Three ads this week. We always have three ads.
Letters to the Editor
from L. Neil Smith and Michael Bradshaw
Take Your Little Black Box and Shove It
by L. Neil Smith
We all heard this week that from this moment onward, all new
automobiles manufactured in or imported to the United States will be required to
have "litle black boxes" like the flight recorders in aircraft.
Some Thoughts on Bunker-Busting
by Michael Bradshaw
In a recent article by Marc Slavo at Lew Rockwell's web site
Mr. Slavo wrote on the subject of government and non-governmental underground
bunkers and what they might be used for. His emphasis was on the "continuity of
government" uses for such facilities (he approved of such uses) and what it might
mean for the common American.
Heroes? Not a one
by Jim Davidson
This weekend I've been having some unpleasant discussions on the
nature of the "heroism" of the troops. I've concatenated my thoughts from several of
these, below. On this Memorial Day weekend, here is what I think of your "heroes" in
Again with the Dancing Mice
by Harry Felker
Well, well, well here we are again, it is May of 2011 and a whole new
set of events are splattered before the populous. I think maybe it is time to look back on
the weeks preceding the month of May and truly reflect on them, noting their significance
and point and purpose. It is not like I am saying there cannot be a coincidence of events,
but it seems to me that all of these events share some major outcome, lending to the idea
that there is something more to the timing than mere coincidence.
Was Slavery The Only Cause Of The Civil War? Think Again
by Conor MacCormack
150 years ago today Confederate batteries in Charleston, South
Carolina opened fire on Fort Sumter, one of three Federal garrisons positioned in
the city harbor, officially commencing hostilities in the conflict that would become
forever known as the Civil War (Our friends south of the Mason-Dixon line prefer the
War for Southern Independence and the War of Northern Aggression among other fitting
titles). To commemorate this, perhaps the most defining moment of American history,
the resident statist propagandists in academia and the media, liberal and conservative
alike, have gone into overdrive to further expound upon the "rightness" of the Northern
cause and the seemingly Messianic qualities of its foremost champion: Abraham Lincoln.
Phonotactic penetration of Skype encryption
by Jim Davidson
You have been thinking that Skype's proprietary encryption was
keeping your conversations private. Oops.
Your Health versus that of Big Agribusiness
The Kaptain's Log
by Kaptain Kanada, aka Manuel Miles
Back about the turn of the century, I co-founded P.E.O.P.L.E. (People
Extremely Opposing Plant Life Exploitation) as a "Carnan" counter to PETA and the "Vegans".
We advocated the banning of the use of our floral brethren for food, clothing or decoration
as such behaviour is unethical predation upon life forms which are completely unable to
defend themselves. Plants, we reasoned, can not run, slither or fly away in self-defence
unlike animals which have a chance to either fight or flee.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 128
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 128 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!