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Letters to the Editor
from Rex "Baloo" May, A.X. Perez, and L. Neil Smith
The Cougar and The Elephants
by L. Neil Smith
I woke up this morning intending to write my weekly harangue for
The Libertarian Enterprise about Ann Coulter's distaste for Dr. Ron Paul. Just
about the first thing Google turned up was a column on Lew Rockwell's website, by Ryan
McMaken, and titled "Privatize Marriage Now".
Line in the Sand
by A.X. Perez
Sooner or later "the line" gets crossed. The line between using a
little extra force to deal with a hard case suspect and brutalizing a suspect. The line
between putting a spin on the facts and telling a flat out lie. Eventually you reach the
point of no return and the only way you are going on the slippery slope is down.
Where's the Outrage?
by Sean Gangol
Many years ago, the late great George Carlin had this to say about
airport security "Airport security. There's too much of it. I'm sick of having some guy
with a triple digit income and a double digit IQ going through my bags and never finding
anything. The whole thing is fucking pointless." (This is actually more of a paraphrase).
Endgame Of The Resistance
by Lucifer Geraldo
I've previously mentioned and want to reemphasize now the
relationship between resistance potential inside any given population and the
escalation of restriction practiced by a State in transition to hardcore tyranny.
When one side of the scale moves upward, the other side moves a proportional
increase in the same direction as well. If it were a stock chart it would be
two moving average lines mirroring each other between two rising price levels.
Hang 'Em High
by L. Neil Smith
The headline at reads, "Trading Of Over The Counter
Gold And Silver To Be Illegal Beginning July 15". The story, by a Tyler Durden, goes
into details of legislation I was unaware of until now, legislation that's about as
evil as any legislation can possibly get.
by Jim Davidson
There is an old story that there were many statues to the gods in
Rome, including the many Roman emperors who were deified by the senate, including
especially Augustus. However, a visitor to Rome in ancient times was hard pressed to
find a statue of Julius Caesar. Remarking upon this issue, according to lore, the
traveller would be told, "si monumentum requires, circumspice." If you seek his
monument, look around you. Or, in less poetic phrasing, if you are looking for the
great edifice erected to the memory of Julius Caesar, it is Rome itself.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 130
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 130 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!