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Letters to the Editor
from L. Neil Smith, and Paul Bonneau
A Thing of Shapes to Come
by L. Neil Smith
A few days ago, I was visiting with a friend about what I want to
do, literarily speaking, after I'm finished with Sword of p'Na and Ares.
While I still plan to write Beautiful Dreamer, a fourth volume, full of surprises,
of the "Ngu Family Saga", and my unconscious mind apparently thinks I'm going to do a
sequel to Sweeter Than Wine, because it's already given it a nameOnly
the Young Die Goodand started writing the damn thing for me, I recently realized
that it's time now to do something that I've been threatening to do for years. In fact,
a couple of things.
Fuck Obama
by Frank Ney
Fuck Obama. Seriously.
by A.X. Perez
Human reactions are predictable. People have exploded in anger over
the Casey Anthony Trial. Some have railed against the jury and the Jury system, even to
the point of threatening to murder jurors. State Legislators in Florida and elsewhere
have proposed Caylee's laws, making it a felony to report a missing child in a timely
manner. All have claimed that Casey Anthony reacted in a monstrous manner to her child's
disappearance if she did not murder her.
State Busting for Fun and Profit
by Jim Davidson
It was ten in the morning on a Thursday. I was just getting going
for the day, drinking coffee, planning some next moves. The upcoming Meat Space Gathering
of the Boston Tea Party at the end of the month was very much on my mind. The calendar
read 14 May 2009, and everything political was continuing to make no sense at all.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 134
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 134 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!