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Letters to the Editor
from Tor Chantara, Richard Bartucci, Neale Osborn, DataPacRat, Gerald A Montgomery, and A.X. Perez
I'm Only In It for the Freedom
by L. Neil Smith
I was talking with my wife Cathy yesterday when I was suddenly
struck with the profoundly historic nature of the moment we're living in. Just now,
the choice is clearer, and the contrast easier to make out, between individual
liberty and universal slavery—and more of my fellow Americans seem to be aware
of it—than at any other time I know of. Freedom has found a champion in
Congressman Ron Paul, and, at the moment, thanks to him, the word "libertarian"
is on everybody's lips.
Open Letter to Mark Levin
by Larry Wright
Dear Mr. Levin: I find it ironic that while you clearly understand that
the Federal government of these united States cannot afford to keep spending money that we
do not have, that you refuse to acknowledge that there is one and only one candidate that
if elected has any likelihood of reversing this disastrous trend. Of course I mean Ron Paul.
Mitt Romney and all of the rest lack Paul's principles, his backbone, and his clear
understanding of what is needed. Romney, Gingrinch, Perry, Santorum and all the rest are,
in principle, no different from the Kenyan present in the White House. Romney, Gingrinch,
Perry, Santorum and all the other dead elephants' utter lack of principle is the reason
we are where we are.
A Praise Idea—Your Thoughts?
by DataPacRat
One of the basic ways we try to change others' behaviour is through
condemning some actions and praising others. There are many ways to do both—including
offering awards. One of the more important actions that we libertarians would seem to find
praiseworthy, is disobeying an immoral command.
Defending the Undefendable
by Walter Block
Buy the book, read it. It's good.
Harsh Words
by Sean Gangol
A Few months ago, I submitted an article titled "Where is the
Outrage?" where I not only blasted the perverted security tactics of the TSA, but
the cowards who supported their measures. Recently I emailed the article to my
grandmother who didn't seem to understand why I thought it was wrong to violate
the Fourth Amendment rights of every passenger. Now, let me give you a little
background information on my grandmother. She is a staunch democrat that broke
the party line only twice when she voted for Barry Goldwater (she couldn't stand
LBJ) and one other time for Richard Nixon. For the most part she has sided with
the democrats on every issue. There are times I wonder if she even thinks the
democrats could ever do wrong.
If We're so Smart, Why Haven't we Won?
by DataPacRat
If life without a tyrannical government is so obviously so much better
than life with one, why aren't we already living in a libertopian paradise? Why does anyone
at all support a government with the authority to do nasty things to them?
Of COURSE you're free. Now shut-up.
by L. Reichard White
That wimpy unpatriotic peace-monger Ron Paul doesn't want to start a
war with Iran! What's wrong with him? Doesn't he know that after being forced
out of Iraq, we're now at least one war short? And no, Pakistan doesn't count yet.
What Makes a Fascist?
by DataPacRat
One of the most important lessons of WW2 is that the German people
aren't any more inherently evil than anyone else; what happened there could happen here.
It's perfectly possible for ordinary people start being part of a system performing
monstrous evils—without necessarily even realizing it.
Bend Over, Ben & Jerry!
by L. Neil Smith
You may be old enough to recall a period before Star Trek when Men
in Space (this was before we bumped our heads on the word "astronaut"—or on gender correctness,
for that matter) had to check for things like temperature, pressure, and atmospheric composition
before going outside.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 159
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 159 of a weekly cartoon series.