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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 665, April 8, 2012 "They're a credit to Disney's Audio-Animatronics" ![]() Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise Blathering more absurdly than I've ever heard Jesse Jackson or even Al Sharpton manage, Van Jones has declared that the culprits to blame for Trayvon Martin's death are none other than Charlie and David Koch. You may recall that Jones was an early member of the Obama regime, the so-called "Green Jobs Czar", until it was revealedby Glenn Beck and WorldNetDailythat he is (among many other despicable and repulsive things) a self-proclaimed communist, wrapping his true political identity in environmentalismas many a right wing despot wraps his malfeasances in the flagdemonstrating the validity of the Watermelon Hypothesis: "green on the outside and red on the inside". Suddenly out of a job and under the bus, it is still a matter of conjecture whether he jumped or was pushedbut he was far from finished. Jones is also a race-baiter who openly detests white people, private capitalism, and everything about America that makes up for her many and admittedly grievous faults. Fundamentally, when Jones says that the Koch brothers killed Martin, he means that capitalism (for which the Wichita brothers have somehow become the poster boys) is to blame. This essay is not about the Martin shooting. That situation seems to be sorting itself out without my help, although what will happen in the aftermath is anybody's guess. Mine is a more fundamental and important question: what is that object behind Jones' eyes and between his ears? It certainly isn't a brain, or anything even remotely like it. This is a specimen, you'll understand, this protege of America's faux presidentand loudly proclaimed a "rock star" by Colorado's nauseating Governor John Hickenlooperwho looks out at a world community made up, partly, of nations where, due to the insane beliefs of Marxism, individuals starved to death in the millions during the 20th century, or in the tens of millions, in places like Communist Russia, Communist China, and all of their little wannabe communist lookalikes. It's a world dominated by the long-discredited genetic doctrines of Lysenko and Lamarck, in which socially irresponsible intransigents who couldn't or wouldn't evolve into New Soviet Manand who didn't have the common decency to starve quietly to deathwere put against one of the few walls that hadn't already collapsed in ruins, and shot. Except, of course, for tin-pot sleazocracies like Communist Cambodia, whose evil, stupid, and insane dictators so thoroughly corrupted and impoverished their nation that it couldn't even afford cartridges, and their victims' heads had to be smashed in by the millions, with shovels. Jones can look out at a world like that, compare it with a handful of countries whose adoptionto one degree or anotherof private capitalism has allowed their inhabitants to make themselves the best fed, best housed, and best clothed populations in ten thousand years of human history, and declare that he prefers killer communism to capitalism. So I guess an even better question is, why does anybody pay more than a nanosecond's attention to a buckethead as enamored of evil, stupidity, and insanitysomebody whom we can logically infer must approve of the Ortega brother's attempted genocide of the Miskito Indians in Nicaragua, and the cannibalism of North Koreaas this parlor-proletarian hypocrite who appears to wear Armani, or something like it, exactly the way Fidel Castro wore silk battledress in the 1960s? The answer, of course and as always, are those saps, patsies, and marks, natural-born or self-made, who have been taken in, like so many useful idiots before them, by what is probably best described as "Ludwig von Mises' Fallacy"a belief, despite the overwhelming weight of history to the contrarythat, when comes the revolution, they will be among the lucky few on top, gobbling caviar, swilling champagne, and watching the beheadings, rather than starving and being beheaded. In fact, they'll be the first ones forced to climb the scaffold. We who have long defended the individual right to own and carry weapons know opportunistic parasites like Jones all too well. The Charles Schumers, Joseph Liebermans, Carolyn McCarthys and Sarah Bradys of the world sit around waiting, like vultures on a cactus, for some horrificand suitably telegenicatrocity to be committed. Then they descend on the bleeding carcass to bathe in the blood and feed. There have even been suggestions, increasingly persuasive, to the effect that no actual waiting is involved, that horrific, photogenic atrocities can be manufacturedand have been manufacturedto order. In any case, the vultures don't give a damn about the victimin fact they're glad that he or she is dead, because it's what they've been waiting for, a chance to enhance their power at the expense of everybody else's freedom. And they don't give a damn about the crime, either, which, demonstrably in so many cases, could easily have been prevented simply by repealing the illegal weapons legislation they and previous generations of political vultures like them have enacted into law. Jones proposes now to broaden the attack by blaming the Martin killing, not just on the individual freedom to own and carry weapons but on freedom itself; more to the point, on an economic system rooted in freedom. At the same time, the economic system Jones advocates, which allows no room or time or patience for freedom of any kind, is directly and inarguably responsible for over a hundred million murders in the 20th century alone. This is not mere right wing propaganda, but a categorical declaration by Amnesty International, which refers to communist governments as "killing machines". Jones chooses to ignore that, and focus on a single death, the justifiability of which is in dispute. It doesn't do any good to argue (however correctly) that private ownership of weapons prevents crimenot when Jones, his masters, and his minions are preparing even now to pull off the most enormous crime in human history: the reduction of 300 million Americans (not to mention seven billion other human beings, all around the planet) to absolute despotism, abject serfdom, slavery, and eventually, a new Holocaust. Jones has been caught green-handed, up to his neck in organizations affiliated with the United Nations, and its "Agenda 21" program, under which every individual will be rounded up, forced into gigantic tenements, and the countryside "cleared" so it can be "returned to nature"and the handful of powerful politicians and bureaucrats who will reside there, waited on by their younger and more attractive slaves. Several advocates of Agenda 21including some in the Obama Administrationopenly look forward to reducing the Earth's population by 90 percent, meaning that some way has to be found call it a "Final Solution"to exterminate over six billion individuals. That may be the reason that the so-called Department of Homeland Security has ordered an incredible 450 million .40 caliber pistol cartridges (one for every American, plus a generous allowance for the miserable marksmanship typical of government hirelings), is illegally trying to prevent the sale of military ammunition to civilians, and has recently begun erecting armored checkpoints all around the country. Now let's count up the final score: the two Koch brothers stand accused of complicity in a single killing that the local police regard as a justifiable homicide. Van Jones is involved up to his ears with an organization that dreams of killing off 90 percent of the human race. I've met Charlie Koch a couple of times. Not the most aggressive of libertarian thinkers. I don't know David but he was the Vice Presidential candidate in possibly the dumbest and most unethically misleading campaign the Libertarian Party ever conducted. I've often disagreed with the brothers' strategy, tactics, and understanding of libertarianism. But given the choice with which to spend eternity in Hell's waiting room, without hesitation I'll take Dave and Charlie any time, two good men trying their very damnedest to make this a free country again.
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