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Three ads this week. We always have three ads.
Letters to the Editor
from A.X. Perez,B. Potratz, and L. Neil Smith
A Little History Lesson
by L. Neil Smith
In 1964, one of the most formative years in American history, the
"movers and shakers" in the Republican Party were faced with the terrible prospect of
the voters actually getting the candidate they wanted, instead of whatever member of
Skull & Bones and the Council On Foreign Relations the party elite, in their wisdom,
had chosen for them.
Standing and the pursuit of felony
by Rich Matarese
Let's see... A candidate for public office provides a signed
attestation to the explicit effect that he IS qualified to stand for election to
that office. The administrative officer in each venuestate, county, municipality,
whateverisn't required by specific statute law to verify that attestation of
qualification, but merely to confirm that, yeah, this particular putz did sign the
paper, and it's his ass if anything on the paper is a lie. Any private citizen in
that venue, however, DOES have undeniable standing to challenge the assertion of
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 173
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 173 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!
Read all about it!
L. Neil Smith personally recommends Climate Depot as the best general source of infomation on the subject.
More about L. Neil Smith
Even more about L. Neil Smith
The unabridged audio version of my 1983 novel The Nagasaki Vector,
brilliantly read by the great libertarian radio host Brian Wilson, is finally
available for purchase.
Many feel that this is the funniest book I've written so farat least
intentionallyand features our old friend Win Bear, G. Howell Nahuatl, a
sapient coyote, time traveler Bernie Gruenblum, and Georgie, the time machine
who loves him.
The price: $12.99.
The place: CD Baby.
I understand that it will soon be available in iTunes, as well.
L. Neil Smith
The Last
of Klepton
Roswell, Texas
by L. Neil Smith and Rex F. May
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Colored by Jen Zach
Published by Bighead Press, 2008
Click cover to buy at
Click link to buy at Barnes & Noble
The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel
by L. Neil Smith
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Published by Bighead Press, 2004
Click cover to buy at
Click link to buy at Barnes & Noble
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