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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 671, May 20, 2012 "Mitt Romney is just Barack Hussein Obama II riding an elephant instead of a jackass" ![]()
Send Letters to editor@ncc-1776.org
Re: "To Hell With Public Schools" by L. Neil Smith In your well-considered and temperate article on the subject of John Tayor Gatto's "meatgrinder" government gulags masquerading as "schools," you had written: "But," I pretend to hear you whimper, "wouldn't we be losing valuable aspects of public education? What about the great need to socialize our children properly?" (This is the stock statist argument against home-schooling, as well.) They may feel a need to "socialize" our children, but parents who allow their children to be "socialized" by them shouldn't be surprised when their children grow up to be socialists. Might I suggest that the last word more correctly ought to be "sociopaths"? Richard Bartucci
Was that worth reading? Re: "Cats and Dogs" by L. Neil Smith Or, IOW: "Aren't cats Libertarian? They just want to be left alone. I think our
dog is a Democrat, as he is always looking for a handout"
And, for a contrarian opinion: "I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us
as equals."
Tom Kozan
Was that worth reading? Re: "Atlantea The Beautiful No. 176" by L. Neil Smith and Rex May Given the pressure of the job He What Am in Charge faces, he can be forgiven continuing to smoke. It must be especially rough with a broken oath of office (to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States) on his conscience. A.X. Perez
[ Sociopaths don't have a conscienceEditor ] Was that worth reading? The Best Campaign Commercial .. Seeing and hearing is believing!!!! I hope this plays 24/7. Send it on, please. For Liberty Dr.Duck
"My reading of history convinces that most bad government results from too much government"Thomas Jefferson Was that worth reading? Cat Man Do... Re: "Cats and Dogs" by L. Neil Smith What most people in the Dog vs. Cat debate fail to recognize is that there are really 3 main types of dog/cat pets. Foo Foo "dogs" (in Alaska we called them Raptor Lunch), Cats, and 50+lb "Man Dogs"you know the type. Working/security breeds. If people were "allowed" (ack, spit) to cohabitate (one does not "own" any cat) with 50+ lb cats, it would become patently obvious who was the boss. We can pretend that we are in charge when the cat is "only" 8-15 lbs, but that all changes when they get to REAL size. But, for as long as I can remember, I too have been a "cat guy"... though my family had dogs. Of course, being the oddity I am, my preference was for 70+ lb apex predators like the rescued Bobcat our neighbor (a Fish & Game Cop/Biologist) kept in a large enclosure because it (having been declawed by the previous "owner") was not releasable after rehabilitation and was awaiting zoo placement. You really get an understanding for Life (and cats) when, as a 12 y/o you get "pounced" (playtime) by a cat that weighs only slightly less than you... Forget Lassie & Rin-Tin-Tin. I want an attack Bobcat (or Serval). B. Potratz
PS Subject: "Cat Man Do" = one of the best of the "Simon's Cat" vids on YouTube. Search for it... then watch the rest. It's all LOL good.... Was that worth reading? Campaign Time I have noticed a couple of things that are perhaps a little too closely connected to ignore. The first item is that the drug war in Juarez between the Sinaloa cartel and the Juarez cartel was at its most vicious during the year 2010. It calmed down quite a bit in 2011. While bad before, it had really heated up in November 2009. Operation Fast And Furious ran from approximately November 2009 to the death of Brian Terry in December 2010. The Sinaloa cartel, arguably the aggressors in the Juarez drug war, received the bulk of these weapons. They were shipped from Phoenix to El Paso, and then into Juarez. The dates for the worst of the murdering in Juarez appear to coincide with the time during which Operation Fast and Furious(AKA Operation Gunwalker) was running. Gunwalker primarily benefitted one group, the Sinaloa cartel, whose members were able to gain dominance of the drug trade through Juarez with this purposeful help from the BATFE. Many of the people killed in the drug war battles fought in Juarez were Americans conducting business or visiting friends and family in that city close across the international border. It can be argued - it must be argued - that Eric Holder and Kenneth Melson (Head of ATF at the time of Gunwalker) have these Americans' blood on their hands. President Barack Obama has failed even to censure Holder publicly for this disaster, or for Holder's failure to control his department. The man with his feet propped up on the Resolute desk has therefore been hideously derelict in his duty as Holder's supervisorin their joint employment by the American people. Right now, it looks as if Mitt Romney has a lock on the Republican presidential nomination. I'm sure his handlers read TLE. Perhaps it's time that Mr. Romney starts calling out President Obama on the incumbent's failure to appropriately and"transparently" demonstrate his determination to discipline Mr. Holder. At the very least, censure is warranted. More appropriately, perhaps, demanding Holder's resignation and even bringing criminal charges against the Attorney General over Operation Fast and Furious fall within the necessary exercise of our TelePrompTer-in-Chief's duties as the federal government's chief executive. Perhaps it is time - more likely well past time - that Mr. Romney makes the identification and prosecution of the Operation Gunwalker perpetrators an explicit policy position in the Republican Party's presidential campaign, with emphasis on thosefederal government officials who had - by way of incompetence or negligence or even criminal intent - failed to control their subordinates,and who arguably appear to have helped cover up the crime(s) committed by those subordinates. Such actions taken in cover up give us a separate category of felony crimes in and of themselves. Or do we simply face the fact that Mitt Romney is just Barack Hussein Obama II riding an elephant instead of a jackass? A.X. Perez
and Richard Bartucci
Think about this the next time you pay your annual Extortion... er... "Taxes" 4.2 billion ANNUAL FRAUD by "Undocumented workers..." getting "Tax Refunds"and the IRS doesn't care... but will, of course, audit YOU.... Videos of investigative report (random act of Journalism) by Indiana NBC affiliate: B. Potratz
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