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Letters to the Editor
from A.X. Perez
Hillary's Small Arms Treaty Swindle
by L. Neil Smith
About every twenty-fifth message in my Inbox concerns the efforts of
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to impose, on every American she claims to represent,
a treaty written by and for the United Nations that would result in the end of private
firearms ownership in this country.
The Third Article of the Bill of Rights Series
The Second Amendment
by Neale Osborn
This is the third article in the series. Due to circumstances beyond his
control, Lee has been forced to withdraw from this series. So the part of Lee will be played
by BD Styers. Remember, neither BD nor I claim to be Constitutional scholars. Our goal with
this series is to define the Bill of Rights IN THE TERMS USED IN THE DAYS THEY WERE WRITTEN.
As we all know, words change meanings over the years. The "Gay Nineties" were not known for
homosexuality, but for good times. A "faggot" used to be a bundle of sticks for the fire. Not
anymore. So it is important to know the Amendments as written in the terms of their day,
not as the words of today might imply. So, as in the last article, we shall first present the
Amendment, then define any words whose definitions have morphed over the years into other meanings.
Finally, we will present our "common man's viewpoint" on what it means in relation to laws today.
And as always, regular print is my contribution, italics is BD Styers' contribution.
The Source Of Our Common Problem
by Michael Chavez Jr
Lawmakers Have Seized Total Dominion Over All of Society; They Wield The
Power to Implement Violence for Any Cause They Choose, Making us a Conquered and Militarily
Occupied People. Not Free. Not Safe. Plundered Servants on Our Own Land. All the Dysfunction
We See Stems From This Totalitarian Democratically Elected OligarchyDemocratic Despotism;
Issuing Mandates under the Guise Of Law and The Pretense of Safety. An Anti-Republic
Where One Group of Men Exercise Total Dominion Over All.
Open Letter to the People of the Occupy Movement
by Sean Gangol
I don't how many of you guys are still out there occupying all the
major cities to protest the great injustices of what you guys call corporate greed, but
I feel it's time to try and put things in perspective. For months you guys have been
sitting on your butts, complaining about how unfair life is, while demanding more free
rides from the government. Your movement has complained about the lack of jobs and has
demanded the government pay off the loans owed by college graduates. Before I give you
guys a cold dose of reality, I want you all to know that I understand your frustrations.
I am also a college graduate and for the past four years I have had trouble finding a
full-time job, which has forced me to take a series of part-time and temporary jobs
(until recently). I also have a debt from the loans that I took out for my own education.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 185
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 185 of a weekly cartoon series.
Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action

Planning for Your future, serf!
Read all about it!
L. Neil Smith personally recommends Climate Depot as the best general source of infomation on the subject.
More about L. Neil Smith
Even more about L. Neil Smith
The unabridged audio version of my 1983 novel The Nagasaki Vector,
brilliantly read by the great libertarian radio host Brian Wilson, is finally
available for purchase.
Many feel that this is the funniest book I've written so farat least
intentionallyand features our old friend Win Bear, G. Howell Nahuatl, a
sapient coyote, time traveler Bernie Gruenblum, and Georgie, the time machine
who loves him.
The price: $12.99.
The place: CD Baby.
I understand that it will soon be available in iTunes, as well.
L. Neil Smith
The Last
of Klepton
Roswell, Texas
by L. Neil Smith and Rex F. May
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Colored by Jen Zach
Published by Bighead Press, 2008
Click cover to buy at
Click link to buy at Barnes & Noble
The Probability Broach: The Graphic Novel
by L. Neil Smith
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Published by Bighead Press, 2004
Click cover to buy at
Click link to buy at Barnes & Noble
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