Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 689, September 23, 2012

"Almost everybody believes that other people's lives,
and the products of those lives, are theirs to take
away and use in any manner that strikes them as desirable."

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Passed on by Rich Matarese
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

This is a single post provided by one David M. Hoffer (a regular commenter) on a recent Watts Up With That? Web board. WUWT? focuses primarily on the great giddy "man-made global climate change" fraud.

Alarmist: Look! Look! That car is traveling 100 km/hr straight toward a wall that it will strike with catastrophic consequences.

Skeptic: Uhm... the wall is 100 km away and the car is decelerating.

Alarmist: Do you not understand what happens when a car hits a wall at 100 km/hr?

Skeptic: Uhm... yes I do, but the car is decelerating.

Alarmist: Look! Look! That car is traveling 1400 meters/minute and is headed straight for that wall! Catastrophe!

Skeptic: Uhm... the wall is about 99 km away and the car is decelerating...

Alarmist: Do you know what happens when a car hits a wall at 1400 meters/minute?

Skeptic: Uhm... yes, somewhat less than what would happen at 100 km/hr, but the point is the car is decelerating.

Alarmist: Look! Look! That car is traveling 10,000 mm/S and is headed straight for that wall! Catastrophe!

Skeptic: Uhm... the wall is about 98.5 km away and the car is decelerating.

Alarmist: Graph those data points! 100! 1400! 10,000! Do you not see what is happening here? Catastrophe! Catastrophe!

Skeptic: Uhm... the car has come to a stop. Ooops, he got rear ended. OK, now we have a problem.

Alarmist: See? I TOLD you that car was headed for catastrophe! And LOOK! After being hit from behind by that semi-trailer, the car is now skidding down the road toward that wall again! MORE catastrophe! When are you skeptics going to learn something about science?

Skeptic: Uhm.... I've got some land for sale. Not worth much right now but in a hundred years it will be beach front property. Speculators are going wild. You want in on the ground floor?

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