Hitler Was A Piker
(The Feature Article)

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise

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Number 689, September 23, 2012
"Almost everybody believes that other people's lives,
and the products of those lives, are theirs to take
away and use in any manner that strikes them as desirable."

Whey do they call Janeane Garofalo 'Liberal?'
Whey do they call Janeane Garofalo "Liberal?"
From Baldwin-al's Photos on facebook

Down With Power front cover
Down With Power
by L. Neil Smith
[Amazon.com dead tree]
[Amazon.com Kindle]
[BarnesAndNoble.com dead tree and Nook]
The unabridged audio version of my 1983 novel The Nagasaki Vector, brilliantly read by the great libertarian radio host Brian Wilson, is finally available for purchase.

Many feel that this is the funniest book I've written so far—at least intentionally—and features our old friend Win Bear, G. Howell Nahuatl, a sapient coyote, time traveler Bernie Gruenblum, and Georgie, the time machine who loves him.

The price: $12.99.
The place: CD Baby

Now available in iTunes, as well
The price: $9.99
The Place: iTunes

—L. Neil Smith

Sweeter Than Wine cover
Sweeter Than Wine
by L. Neil Smith

Amazon.com Dead Tree
Amazon.com Kindle
Click this link to buy at
Barnes & Noble Dead Tree or Nook




Nullification Act

Classified Ads
Three ads this week. We always have three ads.

Letters to the Editor
from Mysterious Stranger and A.X. Perez

Hitler Was A Piker
by L. Neil Smith
During an involuntary moment of leisure, with nothing else to do, I recently found myself watching a program on the Public Broadcasting System. I'd seen—and even written about—other episodes of Rick Steves' European travels before, notably his special on Iran, which ought to be shown to every war-mongering chickenhawk in America, if for no other reason than to see if it really is possible to die of shame.

They Have to Go (Because They're Arrogant)
by A.X. Perez
From time to time defenders of Eric Holder and Operation Fast and Furious argue that Gunwalker was a legitimate law enforcement operation that somehow spun out of control. The Inspector General's report indicates that the whole thing was a rogue operation out of Phoenix by the local BATFE office. So I'm going to put on my best wide eyed innocent trusting look and act like I accept this.

Passed on by Rich Matarese
This is a single post provided by one David M. Hoffer (a regular commenter) on a recent Watts Up With That? Web board. WUWT? focuses primarily on the great giddy "man-made global climate change" fraud.

We the People
by JD Dawn Eckel
Throughout our history as a nation we have allowed the repeated and perpetual suffering and injustice that have been occurring on an unfathomable scale. We ask ourselves often, how did we let our country get this way? Well the answer is simple if we look in the mirror. The vast majority of this allowance was all because of people just like us. The systemically trained and well indoctrinated conformists.

Obituary, David Alec Webb, Actor and Legal Reform Campaigner,
6th March 1931-30th June 2012

by Sean Gabb
David Alec Webb, wit, raconteur, well-known actor on stage, screen and television, and tireless—and ultimately successful—opponent of the laws against pornography, died on the 30th June this year, at the age of 81.

Atlantea The Beautiful No. 195
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 195 of a weekly cartoon series.

Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action
UN Agenda 21
Planning for Your future, serf!
Read all about it!


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L. Neil Smith personally recommends Climate Depot
as the best general source of infomation on the subject.

More about L. Neil Smith
Even more about L. Neil Smith

The unabridged audio version of my 1983 novel The Nagasaki Vector, brilliantly read by the great libertarian radio host Brian Wilson, is finally available for purchase.

Many feel that this is the funniest book I've written so far—at least intentionally—and features our old friend Win Bear, G. Howell Nahuatl, a sapient coyote, time traveler Bernie Gruenblum, and Georgie, the time machine who loves him.

The price: $12.99.

The place: CD Baby.

I understand that it will soon be available in iTunes, as well.

—L. Neil Smith

Down With Power front cover
Down With Power
by L. Neil Smith
[Amazon.com dead tree]
[Amazon.com Kindle]
[BarnesAndNoble.com dead tree and Nook]
Many of these books are available for Kindle or Nook or other e-readers. Soon all will be
Don't have a Nook? Click: buy at BarnesandNoble.com
Don't have a Kindle? Click: buy at Amazon.com
Timepeeper Cover
by L. Neil Smith
illustrated by Sherard Jackson
Phoebus Krumm cover
Phoebus Krumm
by L. Neil Smith
illustrated by Scott Bieser

The Probability Broach cover
The Probability Broach
by L. Neil Smith

Amazon.com Dead Tree
Or click this link to buy at Barnes & Noble.com

Book cover
Lever Action
by L. Neil Smith

Buy dead-tree edition at Amazon.com
Or from Cat's Curiosities (Vin & Amy's Online Bookstore)
Front cover illustration © Copyright 2000 by Scott Bieser

Sweeter Than Wine cover
Sweeter Than Wine
by L. Neil Smith

Amazon.com Dead Tree
Amazon.com Kindle
Click this link to buy at Barnes & Noble Dead Tree or Nook

The American Zone
The American Zone
by L. Neil Smith

Click cover to buy from Amazon.com
Click link to buy from Barnes & Noble

Ceres cover
by L. Neil Smith

Click cover to buy from Amazon.com
Click to buy from Barnes & Noble
(NOTE: The complete novel is also on the web at bigheadpress.com)

Pallas cover
by L. Neil Smith

Phoenix Pick Edition
Click cover pic to buy from Amazon.com
Click to buy from Barnes & Noble icon

The Venus Belt cover
The Venus Belt
by L. Neil Smith

Phoenix Pick Edition
Click cover pic to buy from Amazon.com
Click to buy from Barnes & Noble

Crystal Empire cover
The Crystal Empire
by L. Neil Smith

Phoenix Pick Edition
Click cover pic to buy from Amazon.com
Click link to buy from Barnes & Noble

Tom Paine Maru
Tom Paine Maru
by L. Neil Smith

Phoenix Pick Edition
Click cover to buy at Amazon.com
Click link to buy from Barnes & Noble
Hope cover
by Aaron Zelman and L. Neil Smith

Phoenix Pick Edition
Click cover to buy at Amazon.com
Click link to buy at Barnes & Noble

The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton
The Last
of Klepton

Roswell Texas Cover
Roswell, Texas
by L. Neil Smith and Rex F. May
Illustrated by Scott Bieser
Colored by Jen Zach

Published by Bighead Press, 2008
Click cover to buy at Amazon.com
Click link to buy at Barnes & Noble
The Probability Broach:
The Graphic Novel

by L. Neil Smith
Illustrated by Scott Bieser

Published by Bighead Press, 2004
Click cover to buy at Amazon.com
Click link to buy at Barnes & Noble

Time Peeper

Get your very own Come Back with a Warrant doormat from Amazon.com. Two styles to choose from! Just click on the one you want:

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