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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 690, September 30, 2012 "Exactly like you, I have been a slave to the state all my life, and I won't vote to let it continue." ![]() Special to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise Thanks to what happened last July, the gun grabbers are back in full force. Not that they ever went away. Whenever there is mass shooting you can rest assure the anti-gun side will be there to dance in the blood of the victims so they can further their own agenda. It's always during the time of tragedy when the attacks on our Second Amendment rights are the most intense. Not surprisingly some of the attacks have come from left-wing shrills of the likes of Piers Morgan. He said that America needs to get a grip on its "gun problem." Never mind that Morgan hasn't lived in this country long enough to be a self appointed expert in America's "gun problem" or that his home country of Merry Old England has been experiencing a drastic rise in crime since they pretty much banned all guns from private ownership. Sadly, it's not just the left who has jumped on the ban wagon. Bill O'Reilly has called for tighter restrictions on ammunition sales. On his show he had a congressman that opposed these measures and he attempted to shout the congressman down in the usual O'Reilly fashion. He also went on a rant about how easy it is for people to go to a gun show and buy machine guns. The congressman managed to hold his own by pointing out that machine guns have been heavily regulated since the 1930's and that all licensed dealers are required to perform background checks. I find it annoying that big government conservatives like O'Reilly get to stay on the air, while freedom lovers like Judge Andrew Napolitano are barely given a chance. Then I am reminded of the people who run Fox. What never seem to change are the arguments that are used by those who keep advocating for victim disarmament policies. They are the same arguments that I have heard several years ago, and since I wasn't impressed by them then, I am definitely not impressed now that I have done years of research on the subject. The people who make these arguments assume that we are all idiots who have never heard these arguments before, while they think that they are clever and witty. Here are some of my favorite arguments: I am all for the Second Amendment, but I think we need some
"common sense" gun laws.
You don't need an Uzi or an AK-47 to hunt.
Well, Europe has strict gun control and they practically live in a
crime free utopia.
Why do you need assault weapons or extended clips?
How else are we going to stop mass shootings?
By having more guns, you will only make the situation worse. First of all, do you really think it was just a coincidence that the shootings at Columbine, Virginia Tech, Fort Hood or the Cinemark in Colorado were at places where firearms were prohibited? As for the part about making the situation worse, I always wonder if you guys realize how condescending that sounds. You just assume that we are all a bunch of incompetent half-wits who will shoot wildly into a crowd. Could you be anymore insulting? I could go on and on about how the victim disarmament crowd keeps using the same tired arguments, but then I would have to write an entire book. There is one upside to all this. Recent polls have shown that fewer people support the same victim disarmament laws that they did in the past. I suppose you have to find a silver lining somewhere. Was that worth reading?
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