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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 692, October 14, 2012 "We must end war before it ends us. We must outlaw conscription, end all taxation, disarm the state, and arm the people." ![]() Special to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise In many articles that I have written about secession, I have referred to a state that secedes and becomes a new nation. Many times I've called it New Texas for want of a better name. But from this moment forward, when I talk about the perfect example of secession, the new nation will have a new name ... The Free Republic of North America. Its acronym will be FRONA. I imagine that you readers, clever as you are, could come up with a better name. And if you do, I may change the name. After all, this is only a cherished dream at this point. I chose "Free Republic" to mean that ... FIRST ... we will be free. That comes before anything else. It is our first principle above all else. The government of FRONA will be organized to protect the individual liberty and property rights of every individual. The "Republic" form of government in FRONA is not the old republic you know. It is a new form of governance. It is modeled after a corporation. The republic in the USA may have started out well-designed in the Constitution, but was bastardized over time to become unworkable and corrupt. The America republic is now dead. The New Corporate Model of Governance is vastly different than the US Constitution in one major way. Every person who becomes a citizen in FROMA has to sign a contract and pay a fee in gold or silver. Every citizen is a shareholder in the national government. The US Constitution has no legal authority over any individual since it is neither a contract nor a treaty. Further, a legal obligation cannot be passed down from generation to generation without the consent of the recipient. A FRONA citizen has a legal contract with his national government that lasts until he forsakes it or until his death. Yes ... a FRONA citizen can give up his citizenship simply by cancelling his citizenship contract. The "NA" part simply shows the location of the nation on the globe. Just in case you don't click on the link above to learn about the Corporate Model, here are some highlights of The Free Republic of North America. FRONA Money The first thing that you must do is to stop thinking of gold and silver coins in terms of their value against other currencies, such as the Dollar. Coinage is a function of weight, not price. The national law regarding money would require any minted coin to display its purity and weight, but no value. And the law would proscribe the penalty of death for anyone minting coins that committed fraud in minting operations. There will be no national money and no national currency. This prevents FRONA from debasing the money and stealing from the citizens. The free market will decide what the medium of exchange is. Common sense suggests that gold, silver and copper coins will become money, and likely silver and copper coinage will be the most widely accepted medium of exchange for day-to-day transactions. The FRONA constitution will prohibit itself from declaring legal tender laws. If the FRONA Treasury wants to issue gold and silver coins it may do so, but enjoys no monopoly or control. It would have to compete in the free market like all other minting operations. FRONA Banking The FRONA constitution will prohibit fractional reserve banking, and will require all banks to maintain 100% reserves. This prohibits banks from creating money out of thin air like the present global system does. And once again, anything less than 100% reserves is fraud, and will be prosecuted as a felony. FRONA Contracts and Law FRONA's government will hold contract law sacred. The very constitution of FRONA is a contract. The FRONA government will start out with a clean slate as related to criminal and civil law and will not have libraries full of onerous regulations. This gives FRONA an enormous competitive advantage as it begins its existence. Strict privacy laws will be enacted to protect the privacy of individuals. There will be no tax treaties with other nations of the globe ... certainly not with the US. FRONA Taxation FRONA has only one source of revenue ... a national sales tax of 10%. No property tax, excise tax, duties, tariffs, ad valorem tax, estate tax, corporate tax, income tax ... NOTHING but the sales tax. From that revenue FRONA operates its very limited governmental duties. And, because the FRONA citizens own a share in their government, each citizen could receive a dividend check if FRONA has a surplus at the end of the year. Try to wrap your mind around THAT. The FRONA Military Every person between age 18 and age 55 becomes a member of the FRONA militia. It's in their citizenship contract. The militia is a defensive force managed by the FRONA national government and organized at a county level. Every militia member is trained and qualifies as a rifleman, and every member keeps a battle rifle in their residence ... a full auto battle rifle with no less than 100 rounds of ammo. Those militia members who are not physically capable to be a warrior can perform necessary administrative functions. But we all serve our nation in the Swiss militia model. My friends, do not think me a utopian or one who looks at his world through rose-colored glasses. Every government in world history has eventually oppressed its citizens. Nearly all of them have debauched their currencies. FRONA will have the potential to morph into tyranny over time. But with some of the organizational protections built into the founding documents, FRONA stands an excellent chance to be the best method of governance ever designed by a human mind. Gentle Readers, in the days to come we will explore the other requirements of a new government in The Free Republic of North America. This will force each of us to stop thinking about a government of fifty states, and begin to embrace concepts worthy of a NATION dedicated to individual liberty and property rights. This is an alien concept to most Americans, since we have all grown up and lived under continuously encroaching tyranny belching out of the DC sewer pipe. Liberty, however, is like the morning dew ... new every day. Secession is the only hope for mankind to enjoy individual liberty and property rights in North America. DumpDC. Six Letters That Can Change History.
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