Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 699, December 2, 2012

"Can America's slide into the totalitarian
abyss be halted and reversed?"

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Letters to the Editor

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Re: "I Hate Cops" by Kent McManigal

A few years ago I was in line behind a guy wearing Barrio Azteca ink (La Azteca are muscle for the Juarez Cartel, derived from a prison gang formed by Guys from El Paso. Quite bloodthirsty, in Juarez. For the most part pretty well behaved in El Paso nowadays. Gang ink and Rosaries worn as necklace are common in the school where I teach, we have so little gang trouble many of the teachers and most of the students don't take the danger as seriously as they probably should (or shouldn't, hell even the uniformed security guards and city cop assigned to us seem to get along with eeryone, even gangsters.)

About a year ago I was pulled over in El Paso for a burnt out headlight. Cop gave me time to look for insurance slip, the only "paper" you need in Texas (other than your driver's license). Every few minutes he would shine his flashlight in my back seat. He didn't find the underage whore smoking crack and cleaning a machine gun he was looking for any of the times he checked. Very courteous and helpful

Fixed the headlight and took a picture. Took a half day from work to handle in court. Judge saw "pitcher" and dismissed case faster'n I could show him the supporting receipt or get a word in edgewise.

Remind me to stay out of the grips of bored, self important county mounties and big city cops trying to prove the size of their balls instead of actual law enforcement or peace keeping.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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My Latest Silver Circle Blog Entry


L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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I'm from Texas, of which it is said "Where nobody knows if something is forbidden or permitted and further more nobody gives a damn."

I have heard (and been guilty of making) ignorant statement about Texas law and the amount of urban legends and ignorance is amazing. This includes ignorant stories and stories of ignorant actions by the police about secession, weapons ownership, weapons carry (different issue), division of the state, education, porn, sex toys, marriage (especially common law marriage) and breast feeding (it's legal in public and excluded from indecent exposure laws) among others.

Whether this ignorance is wiggle waggle room for freedom lovers and criminals or an excuse for tyranny is a subject for debate. It is however a chance for lawyers of varying degrees of honesty to hone their skills. I suggest you have an honest one and one with a more creative understanding of the laws on your Rolodex. This is probably a good approach to take in states with a less unstable approach to law enforcement.

Ideally messing with you should have the predictable result of cleaning out the PD (not cop, PD) in question's pension fund. I would say resul tin a raise in taxes at the appropriate level of government, but TLE is an antitax publication.

It's a start.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Very sad news

Dear Friends,

As most of you know, my wife, EJ, has spent most of this year battling lung cancer. She had responded well to treatment, and by the end of October, she seemed to have beaten it. But in the last few weeks she took a turn for the worse, and on Thanksgiving suffered a major stroke. After recovering briefly on Friday she got much worse on Saturday and was transferred to Swedish Medical Center in Denver.

She has spent the past several days under heavy sedation as the doctors worked to find out the cause of the stroke. They quickly ruled out a blood clot, scans showed her blood vessels were inflamed and not getting her enough blood. Doctors performed an array of tests, ruling out various types of infections, until today, they performed a spinal-fluid tap and found cancer cells in her spinal fluid.

As sometimes happens with the kind of small-cell lung cancer afflicting EJ, the cancer had spread to her brain. The doctors tell me there is nothing they can do for her now, but keep her comfortable until she passes away, likely in the next few days. Her mother is flying in tomorrow to see her one last time, and my brother is flying up to help me deal with the situation.

I'll pass word along when she finally passes and what memorial arrangements need to be made. I'd appreciate it if those on you on this list could forward this news to other of our mutual friends in our various circles.

Scott Bieser
[email protected]
Director, Big Head Press
My webcomic, QUANTUM VIBE:

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Barrack Obama is the only man who has gotten elected President promising to raise taxes. He promised he would keep taxes down for the middle class and raise them on the rich. Everyone else got elected promising to make us rich.

The two ethnic groups most dependent on gov't largesse are Indians and blacks. Average life expectancy in the US is about 79, for reservation Indians (who are forced to live on welfare) it is 72, for Black folk (about one third of whose families have been systematically destroyed by substituting welfare for fathers supporting their families) it is 76. That's where relying on the gov't gets ya.

Teaching about taxes this week in public school. Tell my kids taxes are protection money. Get them mad about it, then remind them that if we want gov't goodies we (not some other guys, rich or not) have to pay the frickin' tax for them.The best get the idea that we need to forswear bennies. Years of subverting the system from the inside, let's see if I retire of get caught and fired first by 2020.

BTW, Latinos, specifically ethnic Mexicans, live one year longer than average. This is in spite of poverty, lack of education, lack of insurance, problems with diabetes, etc.. (look up Hispanic Paradox)For years racist jerks trying to discourage "illegal immigration" have tried to deny mojados access to gov't bennies, often with the intent that this would blow back on citizens of Mexican descent. Given the info in paragraph two as a person of Mexican descent, I'd like to tell them muchas gracias. I know this doesn't describe you guys, but if you ever get a chance to pass it on to somebody....

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Video - Bill Whittle

Here is another Bill Whittle video (about 15 minutes):

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The Spirit of Liberty

Re: "The Spirit of Liberty" by L. Neil Smith

Associated text for the image at the top of the article is, "Liberty Leaving [sic] the People". Clever if not accidental.

Stephen Carville
[email protected]

{ Clever, yes. Accidental, also yes. "And so it goes...." (Fixed.)—Editor ]

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