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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 723, June 2, 2013 I have sworn upon the altar of god, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man ![]() Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise My apologies in advance—I have been busy as hell, and this is gonna be a short one. The next (and biggest?) assault on the 2nd Amendment is coming, starting June 3rd. Obama is scheduled to get the UN Small Arms Treaty on his desk. If he signs it (and we know the asshat will) it goes to the Senate, where Reid will surely try to sneak it in with little or no debate. If it passes the Senate, it becomes law. If that happens, we are, theoretically, obliged to comply with it's MANDATORY registration and restrictions on gun types, quantities, and transfers, AND registration of and limitations on type and quantity of ammunition. You can bet your ass that this one will not go un-opposed. The Bill of Rights can ONLY be nullified by following Constitutional procedures. www.NationalGunRights.org if you care to read about it or contribute to the fight over it. Go HERE if you want to sign the pledge. I'm all for carrying concealed, ESPECIALLY at prime terrorist targets. And Disney HAS to be a terrorist's dream. But we need to be EXTRA careful where our gun is at all times. And failing to notice you lost it is not only asinine, it is dangerous as hell. If a kid had found it and shot someone with it, the owner would, in my opinion, be the guilty party. Not to mention how bad it makes the rest of us look. I really do not care if he's active duty, retired military, or just a Joe off the street. What I DO care about id that he was harassed for hiking with his son while armed with the appropriate weapon for the conditions. He was carrying a slung AR15 while hiking in a rural area on back roads. His son was with him, making a 10 mile hike for a merit badge. There is no need for a license to carry a rifle, and had that rifle been a bolt action, the cop wouldn't have tried to take it (WITHOUT, I might add, asking for the gun. He just tried to grab the gun off the man's shoulder). Apparently, one of the things the "cops" accused CJ of was "Rudely displaying a firearm". WOW!! The fact that the guy is active duty is only relevant because the cop is still alive. A man just back from a tour in Afghanistan is NOT the guy whose weapon you want to take. The cop is lucky he didn't eat an instinctively fired bullet. CJ kept his head. And no, the cop ISN'T much of a cop, CJ. In Oregon, another vet was arrested for firing a warning shot into the ground during an altercation with a criminal. After a man attempted to kick in his back door, was convinced to leave (through the threat of being shot) and being chased away from a neighbor's house, the possibly intoxicated man attempted to fight with the homeowner despite the homeowner's AR15, clearly displayed in hand. After being told "I don't want to shoot you", the man pressed the attack. The homeowner fired a warning shot into the ground. The attacker fled to the police car on the next block and was apprehended. The HOMEOWNER was promptly arrested for "Unlawful use of a firearm" among other things. Despite the evidence (a damaged door, the homeowner's call to the police) the homeowner is facing several criminal charges. The attacker, wanted for assault and battery, several counts of burglary, and fleeing prosecution, is apparently the victim here. Not gun related... YET. A federal judge told Google to comply with the FBI's warrantless demands for data from Google's customers. Since the passage of the USA Patriot Act, the FBI has been issuing "National Security Letters" to ISPs, telecom companies, and other forms of electronic communication. These letters are not warrants, just the demands of a bullying federal gestapo to comply. Google attempted to deny the FBI's demands on the grounds that they were (which they are despite the pathetic ruling of the federal judge) unConstitutional. What this means is that Google must tell the FBI, upon a warrantless demand, what you searched for, wherever you wandered on the web using Google, and provide info on any Google accounts you might have. Vatch vat you say, Ve are Vatchink you!! The Nullification of gun control laws has begun. 200 local law enforcement, lawmakers, and county officials met to discuss what to do about the slew of unConstitutional laws being promulgated. For example, Police Chief Mark Kessler of Gilberton Burough, Pa., talked about the law recently passed in his small town, which declares that ALL gun control laws ever passed violate the 2nd Amendment, and declares that the 2nd Amendment is "all the concealed carry permit you need". Carroll County, Maryland, has declared itself a 2nd Amendment sanctuary county, where the Maryland gun ban laws will not be enforced. Just as 55 Colorado Sheriffs have announced they aill sue Governor Hickenpooper over Colorado's new victim disarmament laws, the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association is moving to nullify the trend of Constitutional violations enacted at both the state AND federal levels. Thanks to Libertarian author, Gun control fighter, and fighter for individual liberty and freedom, L. Neil Smith for the heads up on this one. Find Neil at http://www.ncc-1776.org/ and http://www.lneilsmith.org/, and be sure to read Down With Power, his definitive solution to the growing morass in DC. That's all I have had time to round up this week. Sorry for the brevity
Testimonial from Ken Holder, editor of this online magazine
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Blackhawk Sportster Standard Holster with Belt Loop and Paddle with Matte Finish (Sig 228/229) Left-hand Blackhawk Sportster Standard Holster with Belt Loop and Paddle with Matte Finish (Springfield XD Comp or Serv) Left-hand |
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