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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 731, July 28, 2013 "One of the most unmistakable indications that a civilization is in decline is when it is no longer capable of telling its heroes from its villains." ![]()
Send Letters to editor@ncc-1776.org
Re: "Saint Traryvon and Niven's First Law" by Rich Matarese Mundanes or "Danes" brings back memories of the novel Fallen Angels about a couple of downed spacemen from an outlaw space colony on the run from the authorities in an America run by the greenie weenies. They were aided and abetted by closet science fiction fans who rescued them from their crash site on a glacier (the earth was at the onset of a full blown Ice Age that started as a result of efforts to curb carbon emissions that had been the only thing holding back the natural cycle of climate change)—and of course the environmentalists and the green government were in denial and spinning the propaganda lies to blame the space colonists for thinning the atmosphere by dipping tiny amounts of air to replace nitrogen and other gases lost over time by the inefficiencies in the cycling of air locks and minuscule leakage from their habitats. And the Danes—as in Mundane as described by one of the clandestine SF fans who was putting everything on the line to help the fugitive astronauts—were the people of limited vision and imaginative power—the ones who couldn't imagine space travel even after it happened. The people in real life today we have come to call "low information voters" and sadly they are legion. I remember a conversation in the story line about an old man who died of hypothermia because of energy rationing. Reading that back when the book came out in the early 90s I could see the current efforts of shutting down coal plants and Obama Care coming. Senior Citizens definitely ought to read that book! I think you can still read it for free on line at Baen Books website. As for what you have said about Darwinian selection I have thought about it from time to time. I think that might be the key to success in a society like the one in The Probability Broach with a heavily armed population which would tend to weed out those given to violent criminal behavior or tyrannical aspirations in favor of decent people who just want to do their own thing and mind their own business. Jeff Fullerton
To which Rich Matarese replied:
I'll admit that I'd certainly had Fallen Angels (1992) in mind as regards the corrosive societal influences of mundanes, but the physics of the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) contention discussed in the novel have dated badly. Not that it was all that supportable at the time Niven and Flynn and Pournelle were putting the manuscript together.
Given the fact that our Kenyan Keynesian had promised before his apotheosis in 2008 to punish Americans for their desire to enjoy the quality of life made possible by the combustion of petrochemical fuels (stating even during the election campaign that "energy costs will necessarily skyrocket"), any senior citizen in these United States who hasn't had that son of a bitch typed as their most vicious enemy is already too far gone in dementia for an appeal to reason—even couched in an entertaining novel—ever to resonate. By the way, old people have been dying of hypothermia in the winters, both here and especially in the even more Watermelon-ravaged economy of the United Kingdom, for some number of years already. The climate catastrophe charlatans have not only committed flagrant fraud (supporting your research grant funding applications with assertions you know to be false is theft of value by deception) but are arguably accessories before and after the fact in manifold crimes of negligent homicide. Meanwhile, is there any indication that the Kel-Tec people are going to acknowledge their debt to George Zimmerman's publicization of their little life-preserver's value, and send him a new PF-9 in a nice gift presentation case? Rich Matarese
Re: "WatermelonGate" (i.e. "Letter from Alan Korwin") With honestly felt respect, what Mr. Martin was purchasing or why is not relevant to the Zimmerman Trial (though indeed it matters to the media narrative, more later). Anyone with the least street experience and education will say that acting as volunteer watch captain Mr. Zimmerman exerted his masculinity and territorial instinct (see Ardrey) by confronting Mr. Martin. Mr. Martin attacked Mr. Zimmerman with his hands to assert his masculinity and need to have his right to go about his honest business unimpeded (buying Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail and Skittles is such, whether you are making Lean or just have a sweet tooth.). Mr. Martin continued the attack beyond the need to subdue Mr. Zimmerman, Z then pulled his gun while having his head bashed against the sidewalk and shot M dead. If M had hit him a little harder Z would have died gun in hand and M would be getting off the hook on grounds of self defense. Now, the mainstream media, professional race baiters, gun control supporters, and other liberal political misleaders have used this entire incident to promote their agenda. White KKK member George Zimmerman (who had Hispanic relatives, undoubtedly members of gangs at war with Black gangs) confronted cute little 12 year old Trayvon Martin who was walking home from the store with Skittles and ice tea and just up and blew him away while uttering racists epithets, probably by the light of a burning cross with a Confederate flag and a Swastika banner floating overhead. Under Florida's racist stand your ground Nigger hunter license laws he would have gotten away with it if not for the vigilance of MNBC's heroic journalists. These are not the facts, but this is what has been relentlessly presented to the American people. Z's supporters have sought to defend him by digging dirt on M, and there is plenty of dirt. And none of this is relevant. The truth is on a certain night two young men made each others' acquaintance, they both thought with their balls instead of their brains, they got into a killing fight and the survivor justly beat the rap on a self-defense plea. To be honest, if the other guy had won, he would also have beaten the rap. Under Florida law no charges should have been filed either way and a lot of money would have been saved. This did not meet the needs of the MSM, Race Baiters, Gun Control Proponents, and Liberal Political Misleaders. Fortunately for Mr. Zimmerman, Florida justice in this case was driven by facts and law, not political agendas. Unfortunately for the rest of us, those who wanted to lynch Mr. Zimmerman control the media and have no intention of shutting up about their frustration. A.X. Perez
Ode on the Birth of a Son to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
Miss Akimbo is Chair of the Lewisham Poetry Collective Sean Gabb
Our viral vid... "New York Weiner Roll" Our news team wasn't quite sure to handle the Anthony Weiner scandal, so we made a viral video pointing out what a perverted clown he is. The fact he's STILL leading in the polls is troubling. What does this say about our society in general? Anyway, please share our video and continue to pressure him. If a guy like Weiner can become the most powerful man in the biggest city in America, we're all doomed. Enjoy! Libertynews.com Presents Mew York Weiner Roll Hope all is well these days! Please let me know what you're working on and how we may be able to help. Eric Odom
Re: "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Store...." (a.k.a. "Letter from Neale Osborn") Actually "white hispanic" has been a racial designation for quite a while. My patient care reports have white, white (Hispanic origin), black, black (Hispanic origin) along with asian and a few other categories. Frank Ney
It's time we proved we're smarter than animals Have you ever noticed that certain groups of human cannibalistic predators put on mantles of victimhood? Commies do it all the time, Hitler did it against the Jews and others in his rise to power, the current generation of American race baiters, both White Supremacists and Liberal advocators of minority rights are playing out this gambit. If you pay attention, their prey is not the economic or ethnic group they tell their followers to hate, it is their followers. Booker T. Washington is credited with saying "To keep a black man in the gutter a white man must stay in the gutter to hold him there." Without claiming originality, allow me to say, "I think that's the point." Of course, this kind of deception is not unique. Coyote bitches in estrus will frequently lure male dogs into ambushes. Snapping turtles and angler fish have worm like appendages on their tongues they use to trick fish into becoming sushi. I one time caught my cat imitating pigeon calls to try to sucker pigeons into range and if you read: you will see that wild cats in South America use this trick. All kinds of animals use all kinds of bait. But only humans will set members of their own pack after a target then eat their own. It's time we proved we're smarter than animals by not falling for it. A.X. Perez
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