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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 738, September 22, 2013 Please Return Our Tomorrows ![]()
Send Letters to editor@ncc-1776.org
Wartime Disposability At www.avoiceformen.com is an excellent article by Jon Gunnarsson called, "The Pinnacle Of Male Disposability" that highlights how men throughout history have always been considered expendable by politicians, and even the people they protect. An example is the White Feathers, a group of upper-class British women during WWI who would hand out white feathers to any man not in uniform as a sign of cowardice to shame them into enlisting. This included boys as young as 15 who lied about their age so they could enlist and die. Wes Carr [email protected]
Not me. My intent was to criticize the types who do say that. It was at one time fashionable by pseudointelligentsia types to boast of their ignorance in math rather than to admit it was a weakness. Apparently this gave certain other buffoons license in their minds to deny math mattered. This is a scary trend in majoritarian tyranny. People who are proud of their ignorance of math and science seek power to shape policy in space, energy, and medicine. Latino immigrant and African American parents are told by demagogue politicians that making their children learn standard American English is a betrayal of their roots then are left to wonder why they can't get decent jobs (BTW, a bunch of them are wising up.). The moral supremacy of the ignorant buffoon is touted, then people complain that they are ruled by fools. The biggest flaw in public education is that the politicians who control it have as big a stake in undermining it as in making it work, maybe bigger. A.X. Perez
4th Option for K-12 Schooling Re: "Public Schools Delenda Est" by L. Neil Smith I read your TLE article (Public Schools Delenda Est) and thought you might appreciate something that started up in Michigan (or at least started being advertised) this year. I support the whole idea of home schooling or private schooling whenever possible, but for many it's not a viable option. For myself, my wife and I looked into it, discussed it, and ultimately decided that with my work schedule I would be unable to be the primary educator and she felt that a professional teacher would do a better job. Private schools were out (cost factor) so we went the public school route and became "involved". Thankfully, my daughter has had some good teachers and is rather stubborn so it hasn't been too bad. Recently she signed up for an online math class through public school here. She was able to understand and learn the material much easier than she had in the traditional classroom. As it was a math class, it was easy for me to judge the course and verify that all the needed material was being taught. While we were looking into that class, we found that Michigan is now offering online classes ("free" through the public schools) where parents can have their kid do the entire K-12 schooling in their own home. The parent can choose to switch their child into, or out of, this program for any given school year. Personally, I think it's a great improvement over traditional public schools. The parent can work with the student and yet the course is set up so the child doesn't need a live person there "teaching" the material (very helpful for parents who are weak in some subject areas). Since the student is at home, the parent controls the environment (as in a home schooling environment). As an option for those who can't afford private schools, and don't have the knowledge base (or who don't have a schedule that allows them the time) to do a good job home schooling, it gives them an option that keeps the munchkins out of the public prisons school buildings. These are the websites for the online offerings. Jeffrey Colonnesi
Flyover Country Has Spoken This is a very happy day for me. Yesterday, my fellow Coloradoans in the south voted to recall two evil socialist politicians, State Senate President John Morse and his hench-woman Angela Giron, because of the unconstitutional victim disarmament legislation they rammed through earlier this year. New York's fascist billionaire mayor Michael Bloomberg reportedly put a lot of money into getting those laws passed (with help from Joe "Brainplugs" Biden and Waco Willie Clinton). He's said to have put another two million into opposing this recall effort, and came away an amputee. "Even the weeds of the field" have risen against him. The United Nations, already enraged at this state for legalizing marijuana, now sees its hopes for universal disarmament dashed to pieces. Let Barack Obama sign whatever the hell he wants; Americans have obeyed their last gun law. With our continued effort, he will eventually be forced to allow the re-importation of those million Garands and M1 Carbines from Korea, and reduced to handing out boxes of .40 S&W ammo off the back of a truck like surplus cheese, Here in Colorado repeal is next, and people are talking about impeaching the gun-grabbing governor John Hickenlooper, who has been too busy humping Obama's leg to take much notice of anything else lately. The best news is that one of the two districts involved in this vote is overwhelmingly Democratic and Hispanic. And yet the margin was enormous there. Conservatives who worry about immigrants, illegal and otherwise, giving eternal victory to the Left have been ignoring me for years, but they would do well to pay attention. They don't really understand these people at all. In Mexico, individuals are now arming themselves and forming militias in spite of the government and prosecuting a shooting war against the drug cartels. And I don't have to move to Laramie. L. Neil Smith
Greetings, Neil! Over the past few days, I have been engaged in a conversation on an online forum, with an individual who is a proponent of removing all firearms, all firearm manufacturing methods and "how to" literature from access by the general public. I won't belabor the fools countless paranoid ramblings (I'm certain you and your readers have heard them all before!). At the end of our discussion, I posted a short missive that I have never seen published anywhere, and that I believe distills the entire gun rights argument to it's most basic level. I thought I would take this opportunity to share it with you, To whit:
Short, succinct and to the point! Regards,
The Flood of '13 A flattering number of individuals have written to me in the last 36 hours, asking if my family and I are safe and dry, given the flooding happening all around us and our nasty experience in 1997. We are on the eastern edge of Fort Collins, a couple of blocks south of Mulberry Street, which becomes Colorado 14. After 1997 (in which we took almost ceiling-high water in the basement, and ankle high water in our living room) the city put in a positively heroic system of storm drains--concrete pipes you could drive an old VW through) and we're counting heavily on them today. We can talk about the political theory involved with that later on. Elsewhere in town, every single bridge over the Cache La Poudre River (which is two feet out ofits banks) is closed. If you know the town, the only way to get to I-25 (the whole state's man drag) is via Mulberry or Harmony and they're talking about closing that. Doesn't matter, though. Where the highway parallels Fort Collins, from 14 to Harmony, it's closed. Down by Loveland, at Colorado 34, I-25 is closed, too and there's water up over the highway. Actually, I just heard they've closed I-25 clear down to Broomfield, a Denver suburb. Public school is out. Front Range Community College, my daughter's _alma mater_, is closed. And they closed Colorado State University just as Cathy arrived at her office this morning. What else? Estes Park is isolated and the road there from Loveland is washed out. Boulder is a mess. Lyons is is isolated. The Big Thompson Canyon has been evacuated. Poudre Canyon is on standby. They're waiting for the weather to clear enough to use helicopters. The river will top out this afternoon, but we'll continue to have rain through the weekend. Three counties, including mine, have just been declared disaster. Watch out for federal vultures. Looters will be treated as the should be. We're warm and dry at home. Life goes on. I just ate a grilled cheese sandwich. Now I'm going back to work on _General Jenny_. L. Neil Smith
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