Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 739, September 29, 2013

Make no mistake: the only reason that
they want to take your guns is so they
can do things to you that they can't
do if you keep your guns.

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Re: "Neale's Weekly Gun Rant Volume 25 and 26: Rant the 26th" by Neale Osborn

The offending textbooks come from the College Board. These textbooks are used in advance placement classes for students seeking to take and pass the College Board's test to get college as well as high school credit for the American History class in question. Last I heard the College board operated out of Princeton, New Jersey. They also control the NMSQT, PSAT, SAT, GRE, and other nationally standardized college admission and placement test. the point is these kids have to pass the test this biased textbook teaches to if they want to get their college credit for taking AP tests in high School.

Gun Owners of America is always recommending actions to take. In this case I will follow their example and recommend the following actions:

Everybody: Contact the College Board bunch and let them know they are teaching lies and demand they correct themselves.

Parents: Explain to your kids why the textbook is wrong. I am assuming you are actively engaged in your children's education and not simply passively letting "the system" have its intellectual way with them.

Students: You're in AP History. Referring to original documents is a big part of AP History. Refer to the actual text of the Second Amendment, Heller v. District of Columbia, which rules that the 2nd Amendment refers to an individual right, not a communal right, and Washington v. Chicago, which reaffirms Heller and also says that the 14th Amendment binds state and city governments to obey the 2nd Amendment. Also refer to Founding Fathers' correspondence that makes it clear they viewed and valued the right to keep and bear arms as an individual right. Point out that one of the justifications given for Radical Reconstruction was the efforts of the authors of Jim Crow legislation to deny Black people their right to keep and bear arms.

Teachers: Actually teach in your class and point out the text is mistaken and explain why. Refer to original documents mentioned above. Use the error being taught as an example of authorial bias and to warn students to watch out for same.

Enjoy the battle.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Re: "Neale's Weekly Gun Rant Volume 25 and 26: Rant the 26th" by Neale Osborn


Starbuck's decision would make perfect sense if they had said "please don't OPEN carry".

The justification for their policy change is supposedly that they no longer wanted to be the place where demonstrations on gun policies converge. And that would be a fair justification, if only it were real.

But it clearly is not real. It's not, because it is being used to justify a "no carry" policy. NOT an "no open carry" policy.

If they said "no open carry" I would support them, because it is their perfect right not to be the place where the soapbox stands. But when they use that excuse as a "no carry"—which clearly and explicitly is meant to include "no concealed carry" then (a) they are standing in the way of the right of self defense, and (b) they are disingenuous for using an irrelevant argument to justify their new policy.

Paul Koning
[email protected]

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This is truly spiffy.

Video: BIG BIG HUUUUUUP Valerie Inertie in collaboration with Stephan Braun. [LINK]

Did you notice how she flattens her hand as that part of the hoop rolls over the ground? I think this is a major and unique accomplishment. What alien paleontologist or anthropologist would ever guess, just by looking at human bones, that they could do something like this?

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

Giovanni Angelo Martelli
[email protected]

[ This is one of the most astonishing feats of skill I have ever seen. Ever.—Editor ]

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Attenzion alles lookenspeepers! Der Economy ist too complicated fur explainen by der "free market," "libertarian," und "Austrian economist" schmartypants antisozialistische extremist terroristen dumkopfs. Pay no attention to such Scheisse! Der Economy ist only fur mangalen by der Government experten und bureaucraten und der grosse dicke Bankstern. Mitout der Rules und Regulazions, der Taxes und Schpending, und der Borrowing und Printing, der kommt big problems mit der inflation, der unemployment, der grosse Depression, der hund und katze leben together! Totalistische Kaos! Und who would bild der Autobahnen, hein?!

So, to alles dumkopf peasants in flugoverland: Do not interfere with the important work that is here going on mit der schtupid questions und der kibbitzing. Der Authorized Journalists will tell you alles what ve need you to know. Just relax und stand mit dein hands in pockets und dein lip buttoned, und watch in amazement der Government at Work.

David M. Schmidt

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