Big Head Press

L. Neil Smith's
Number 739, September 29, 2013

Make no mistake: the only reason that
they want to take your guns is so they
can do things to you that they can't
do if you keep your guns.

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Notes from the Border
by A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

John Kerry predictably signed the UN Small Arms Trade Treaty. This pact is seen as a threat by many (including most readers of this missive and the author) as a threat to the constitutionally guaranteed right of free Americans, hell of free people everywhere, to acquire, possess, and commonly carry while going about their honest business, whatever personal weapons they opine they need to protect their lives, loved ones, liberty, property, and, yes, whatever body(ies) politic to which they choose to bestow their allegiance. The Senate will all but surely refuse to ratify it.

In it's favor, it should prevent things like Operation Fast and Furious, arming groups like the Libyan and Syrian rebels, and other cute like tricks our current administration has carried out. At least that's what it's been sold world round to mean.

Speaking of Gunwalker, ten people were killed in a party in the Valley of Juarez last weekend (21-22 September, 2013). OFF guns, maybe? Nothing about it in the American mainstream media, was there? Especially with the possibility that OFF guns were used or true autoweapons acquired on the international black market (the same one the SATT will do nothing about)being used. Does nothing to prove that legitimate gun dealers in the States are causing massive havoc against innocent corner drug dealers in Chicago. (As a total aside the victims were celebrating a baseball victory and the shooters had lost money betting on the game. Sicarios are such lousy losers.)

Speaking of the mainstream media, Dianne Feinstein is pushing for creating what amounts to official licensed journalists (the flap is about who gets to protect their sources; confidentiality). Is anybody honestly surprised that an opponent of the right to keep and bear arms is opposed to free press and speech? I will refrain from stating what next abuse she will push, don't want to give her ideas.

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