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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 743, October 27, 2013 Separation of Medicine and State ![]()
Send Letters to editor@ncc-1776.org
It was a blast from the past to read Peter Cyprian's liberal bashing article. Ah, the good old days! Of course every fault ascribed there to liberals, applies to conservatives as well. But never mind... Most observant people have moved beyond the government-supplied and -promoted left-right spectrum. It behooves us to see through these "divide and conquer" tactics. It doesn't matter if some people are in error or refuse to comprehend reality. We all do the same to some extent. What matters is only that some people impose on us, try to make us slaves. Stop whacking liberals, start whacking rulers and their minions, no matter their preferred brand of political camoflage. Imposition, no matter how correct, must be resisted; error in thought, as long as it is not accompanied by imposition, is of no consequence to us. See this article on Panarchy
Dear Ken, Rick & Neil & Ray It's been quite a week and plenty for everyone to write about. Before I go on I must give a belated congratulations to Rick Bartucci for his feature article in the previous edition. That quote comparing republicans to hunting deer with an accordion was so good that my friend the Historian decided to quote on yet another questionnaire from the GOP. And it seems he messed up a little on the quote which I caught after getting back home late this evening—writing "with out an accordion" rather than "with". He was that livid. To the point of getting carried away as he wrote in comment after comment while checking off the form. Roast RINO. Put a fork in it. It's done. We can only hope! Also congrats to my friend from Wisconsin—Ray—who got his email defending the Tea Party which a caller who recently visited the US blamed for our problems—read aloud on Australian talk radio! The host saying you can't judge a nation by the impression of just one city like Los Angeles in a state that is obviously a basket case. Yet even here in PA so many are addicted to the anything but Free Lunch. It gets depressing at times, living in a blue state steeped in a long history of labor strife and deep rooted populism. Yet I find hope even in the claims made by enemies of Freedom—such as a quote by the infamous Air Force Jet Demanding Pineapple Princess from California mentioned also in Mr Bartucci's article who was given the latter title—which is also her official theme song by the talk radio host Jim Quinn. Early on in the Obama Care debate she proclaimed that the health care law would free people up to pursue their passions in life—ie—become a writer or artist or start a business—when anyone with half a brain and a fundamental understanding of economics and history would say " bunk"! And ditto to an article I read by some leftist logger the other night that said the same. What part of the individual mandate do they not understand? Along with the destruction of jobs and inflation and other unintended consequences that increase and compound the struggles of the common man. The Forgotten Man of current lore. Sometimes I feel like I am that guy depicted in the painting talked about by many—though there are times I think—if only. It can be nice to be forgotten by the government for a multitude of reasons mentioned by every contributor to this journal and many a voice on talk radio for all the years. As I said it as been yet another interesting week. The Historian continued our conversational thread that began Saturday when I found him in his father's field removing stones so they could plant fall barley. Which now became wheat because the window of opportunity has narrowed. It was so good I wish I had a tape recorder because verbatim it would make great dialog between his namesake in the fictional story I am working on. Essentially it was the antithesis of Reagan's Morning in America and the resignation that his best days were behind him. And ditto for the nation as well. America has pretty much become a nation of moochers and bootlickers who are willing to trade freedom for security and creature comforts. Like the guy who was surprised to find out I was one of those "Tea-hadists"! Or the nurse who grumbled a while back about the farmers and gas companies making all that money and "they ought to give us all free gas"! And another one who was concerned about them not paying their fair share. I guess it doesn't get much more Atlas Shrugged than that! Between the looters, moochers, bootlickers and quislings we are resigned to dig in and hunker down and be outcasts in our own nation. So far, one thing going for us is our Township so far remains one of those places in an increasingly troubled world where one can still live relatively free, pursue happiness and raise a family in peace. But even here we are going to have to fight to keep it that way. This past week two of the democrats on the supervisors board were exposed for election fraud. They were apparently hustling votes from demented elderly folks. The really bad thing about it is that they were among the 'good democrats' who opposed the establishment of a local zoning board several years back. As I suspected would happen when the story first broke early in the past week—seems destined to come true. Others even worse have emerged to fill the vacuum—one in particular who is in bed with RACC—the "Rural Association of Anti-Capitalist Curmudgeons"—in reality "Concerned Citizens"— mostly newcomers who like many who flee the mess their ilk has made of life in town or the city want to impose their sense of order on those around them—along with the graft and cronyism of a political machine that seeks to extend its tentacles ever deeper into our day to day life. I have no problem articulating the need to lop those tentacles off at first sight as the Kraken of government rears them in our direction! Other notes—if only I mentioned in my latest article: the fact that the mere mention of the name of Sarah Palin to the Proggies or their average bootlicker with a populist chip on his shoulder—or the jealous ladies out there who think she's dumb or a twit—is like flashing a cross at a vampire! And maybe a good comparison given the parasitic nature of the system these people are trying to advance or protect—and that SHE represents the side that wants to drive a stake thru its collective heart! Sarah the Vampire Slayer! On Neil's feature article this week—the River of No Return. The Zero Aggression Principle is the one thing that can save us from a new dark age—or extinction. Glenn Beck was raving last week "READ RAY KURZWEIL'S: THE SINGULARITY IS NEAR"! The idea of the power of nanotechnology or artificial intelligence in the hands of central planners or the people who would welcome a convenient and cheep way to get rid of 9/10ths of the human population is perhaps the most compelling case for Libertarianism and the ZAP ever! Giving up the use of force to obtain material goods or social conformity from others is the only way for civilization to survive the advent of weapons of mass destruction. It is also our way out of the current economic malaise. Like Quinn has repeated through the years: Liberty is the solution to the human condition! Have been handing out Down With Power bumper stickers. One of my former co-workers—Bob (not to be confused with Big Bob mentioned on the Matagorda story several months back) likes them. He was the one who got a kick when I quoted the essay about mass shootings in the Lever Action book: Just as you don't get any cleaner wading through a sewer, you don't get any saner studying the minds of the insane"! As for the Late Great Big Bob; he probably would have wanted one too as he liked bumper stickers and signs with slogans. To this day I remember the one on his rear bumper that said: God, Guns and Guts Made America. It was kind of a shocker to later learn he was somewhat an atheist and had a big populist chip on his shoulder and the general belief that the democrats were for the working people— though he was cynical of them too. And on his front door a really good one: Have you ever wondered about life after death? Then trespass on these premises after dark and find out! Also if you smoke beyond this point and you're Catholic: Recite the Rosary. Protestant: the 29th Psalm—For You are about to meet your maker! Poor Alice was compelled to exile on the front porch when she did. Could have something to do with his health issues—being a cardiac patient with a triple bypass under his belt at the time. I still think he would have hated Bloomburg because he absolutely refused to wear a seat belt and begged cops to arrest him! Could be subject for a full article itself—which I have almost written here since beginning last night and finishing up this morning. Have a great week and stay free! Should send pics of the Historian's venting at the "RINO cowards" on the questionnaire later when I have access to faster WiFi! As said once at a Styx concert by one of the musicians : its a riot, let me tell you! Jeff Fullerton
Historian's Pics:
Re: those who worship power Looks like the worshipers of power were holding forth in the last Libertarian Enterprise. Good luck with that Tea Party, guys. Of course the reality is that even if the Libertarian Party itself got into Congress with a majority, they'd soon be just like the folks they had displaced. "If we can just get the right guys into power over us, we'll be all right." The creed of slaves. Scratch a minarchist/conservative/Tea Partyer, find a progressive... Well, I guess that is why I like Panarchy. People can have all the silly opinions they want about politics, same as any religion—it won't matter.
Electoral Mechanic As the title suggests, this missive is not necessarily about what I consider desirable goals or my political beliefs. It is simply a review of tactics and strategies I perceive being applicable to the 2014 mid term elections. As of this writing signing up for Obamacare is turning out to be a bit of a cluster fuck. The Democrats (not just the President, but also the other leaders) could have used this as a pretext to delay rolling out the ACA until late Spring or early Summer of 2014 and made a compromise with their GOP opponents. Instead they chose to play chicken with a shutdown of the government. Shame on the Republicans if they don't call the Democrats on a take no prisoners scorched earth battle to defend a policy that they knew was not ready for implementation. The Democrats are crowing over their victory, the Republicans need to show that they are celebrating the successful defense of something not worth defending. They need to point out that the Democrats are clearly lacking in discernment and judgement. Secondly, the deadlines for passing the next continuing resolution (instead of a budget) and raising the debt ceiling (instead of establishing a policy to get rid of peacetime deficit spending) occur during primary election season. People tend to participate in these elections in low numbers. Remember to get out and vote for candidates for reelection that voted the way you wanted them to on gun control and fiscal responsibility. No one who voted in favor of any of the gun control proposals promoted by the administration should have to worry about raising funds after the primary. No Republican and damn few Democrats who voted to support the current budget deal should have to worry about what their campaign strategy will be in the November 2014 election, as they won't be running then. The fact is that if people who love liberty move out and vote the primaries in 2014, even those who usually abstain, the election on 4 November 2014 should be between pro gun fiscal liberals and pro gun fiscal conservatives and the Congress sworn in in January 2015 should be the most pro freedom this country has seen since before the war of 1812. A.X. Perez
Missouri House of Representatives Don't let some clown be the most famous Missourian. Vote for Robert Heinlein. www.house.mo.gov/FamousMissourianVoting.aspx Thanks, L. Neil Smith
Small Victories The soldier who was arrested for legally carrying an AR 15 has had his case dismissed in Texas. Imagine that, beating the rap for not committing a crime. Wonder if LOLiPs involved (including arresting officer) have unknotted their knickers yet? Apparently an appellate court ruled That Maryland's may issue law is unconstitutional, that shall issue should take its place. Also apparently the Supreme Court refused to hear Maryland's appeal. This is a win for pro gun force, but it restricts the victory to the jurisdiction of the lower court in question. It also create a precedent for imposing shall issue and constitutional carry as the law of the land. Call it a flawed victory for supporters of RKBA, These are small underreported victories for supporters of the right to keep and bear arms. Of course, they are underreported because the establishment wants them underreported. Have fun looking up the cases. Maybe you can find more examples of small victories. Any one familiar with the War of Secession will remember that while the Rebs won most of the famous battles, the Damnyankees picked up a bunch of little, cheap victories. One day everyone woke up and Robert E. Lee was making a fighting retreat to Richmond because these little losses left the CSA too weak to support his Army of North Virginia. This is an oversimplification, of course, but it is a strategy we can use to destroy the antigun push we are currently experiencing. A.X. Perez
Free Eye Surgery for Poor We've heard all about Obama's vacations, but not much about KY Senator Rand Paul's summer break. He and a partner teamed up to do pro bono eye surgeries for the poor. People who came to the surgery center "legally blind or much worse" were all seen before they left.
Isn't it interesting what the media considers newsworthy? Wonder why the media isn't interested in that? Guess it doesn't fit the image they try to create for conservatives. Let's help spread the word. Jim Woosley
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