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The Libertarian Enterprise
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Number 743, October 27, 2013
Separation of Medicine and State
![]() Parasites by Rex May www.baloocartoons.com balooscartoonblog.blogspot.com facebook.com zazzle.com twitter.com |
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The Impeachable Offenses of Barack Hussein Obama
Letters to the Editor
Good Offenses Make good Neighbors
Milksharing Is Awesome
Slavery is Illegal. That Negates the Entire "Healthcare is a right,
pay for it, taxpayers!" Argument
You May Not Be Interested in Socialism but Socialism is Interested in You!
Neale's Weekly Gun Rant Volume 31
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 249
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Sometimes just a few words can change the course of history. Legend has it that in 1948, when Alice Roosevelt Longworth (TR's daughter) was an old woman, she saw a photograph of Republican Party presidential candidate Thomas E. Dewey for the first time, and remarked, "Why, he looks just like the little man on the wedding cake!" Some will argue that her words put Harry Truman in the White House. A "meme" is a word or phrase that stays in people's minds, affects their behavior, and sometimes alters the course of history. I'm not exactly sure how a meme differs from a catch-phrase or a slogan, but I do know the power of such things, and, judging by quotations I see online, extracted from my own work, I know I'm capable of composing memes. I want to launch a meme right now, affect people's behavior, and change the course of history. I believe it's essential, and that if we don't do something to stop medical Marxism, it will swallow up and destroy everything that was ever decent and admirable about American civilization. Like all effective memes, it is simple, but tells the whole story: SEPARATION OF MEDICINE AND STATE separation of medicine and state Separation of Medicine and State If we use it every time we get a chance, if we inject it into every conversation, if we include it with every message we send, it could rewrite the horror story we find ourselves living through and save the lives of our children and grandchildren. It could save the world. Separation of Medicine and State. I'll have it printed on calling cards along with the URLs for L. Neil Smith's THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE, and Down With Power, my award-winning book on libertarian policy, and give them out to everybody, leave them behind on restaurant tables and grocery store shelves. If you really want to restore freedom to medicine (it was a hideous mess long before Obamacare, thanks to decades of government interference) you can start by passing this editorial along to everyone you know—especially doctors and others in medicine) and then have some cards made or exercise your cleverness in some other way. The important thing is to stop this crouching and freezing like frightened, defeated rabbits, and start striding forward once again, toward a bright and sunny future of peace, freedom, progress, and prosperity. A dream, powered by a meme. And our Publisher Mr. Smith sent along this link here with the note "Stop the Trademark Office from Denying Rights Based on Race: THE SLANTS". I'm not familiar with the term "slants" but no doubt everyone else is (and please don't write telling me what it means, if I gave a rat's ass I'd look it up myself you know). And a reminder that we have renamed our "Books For Sale" area of the main page "L. Neil Smith's Bookstore"—the direct link is ncc-1776.org/index.html#books New bumperstickers now for sale at our Zazzle store. And tshirts and so on coming Real Soon Now at Zazzle. We are a Reader-Supported on-line eMagazine. Click the "Pay" button to pay the editor or any of our writers whatever you want to pay. We all will appreciate it! Ken Holder
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L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise