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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 745, November 17, 2013 The most common threat to individual liberty in the United States of America is "local law enforcement." ![]()
Send Letters to editor@ncc-1776.org
Stand My Ground The following was published on Soldier of Fortune Magazine's FB Wall in response to a report that Jesse Jackson is suing in Federal court to overturn Georgia's "Stand Your Ground Law": First off, the right to defend yourself is a God given right, something a preacher should understand and respect. Stand your ground is a natural extension of that right and no law or court decision can diminish that right in any way, shape, or form. Second off, SYG does not support the Second Amendment, the 2nd supports people;s natural born right to defend their life, liberty, loved ones, and property as given to all people by the Lord God as a free and unconditional gift which the Ninth (not Second) Amendment pledges the US Government to support, respect, and protect. Finally, to be very blunt, to make war against the right to self defense, including its supporting rights of RKBA and SYG , is to make war against God. It so happens I'm too fat and slow to retreat. Standing my ground is my only option. A.X. Perez
Coming Soon: Brightsuit MacBear I have just spent the last couple of days very happily going through the copy-edited "cyberscript", to coin a term, of the forthcoming Phoenix Pick edition of my 1988 novel BrightSuit MacBear. BrightSuit MacBear was intended to be my attempt at a Robert A. Heinlein style "juvenile", by which he (if nobody else) meant a book perfectly suited to be read by adults, but with the sex "removed". It is a "coming-of-age" story in which a fifteen-year-old boy struggles against a host of forces to recover a legacy stolen from him by his evil grandfather. It takes place on the planet Majesty, covered with a single species of vegetation (and weird and wonderful critters), six miles deep at the equator, and aboard the great ships of the Galactic Confederacy. Twenty-five years. It's hard to believe that it's been that long since I wrote BrightSuit MacBear. It has also surprised me by being a very great deal more individualistic and anti-authoritarian than I recalled. If you have been looking for a good, solid libertarian adventure series to give young readers, or simply something enjoyable to read yourself, please keep BrightSuit MacBear in mind. It will be sold in trade paperback and e-book format, and followed soon by Taflak Lysandra, an adventure in the same universe (and on the same planet). My esteemed publisher has also "green-lighted" the other five books I always meant to write in a series in which I "braid" five characters in different combinations, and send them on adventures, all over the galaxy. Look for it soon! L. Neil Smith
Re: Letter from Jeff Fullerton Jeff writes, "What if the Tea Party deciced to be the ultimate spoiler by voting the Libertarian ticket. And if they could persuade a majority of republicans to cross over they could start a powershift that would literally rock the planet!" I want some of what he's smoking. It wouldn't even figuratively rock the planet, let alone literally. EVEN IF THE LP MANAGED TO WIN, it still would be more of the same old shit. They'd turn into whores the minute they got into office. "Power corrupts." Think that somehow does not apply to (so-called) libertarians? Jefferson got it right: "Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on offices, a rottenness begins in his conduct." Most people already in office DO NOT CARE what label is attached to them. They just want the power. If the LP ever started winning (Heaven forbid), it would immediately be swamped by these power whores. Stop dancing to the tune of the ruling thugs, Jeff. The solution is outside politics, not in it. Take it from someone who spent literally decades figuring that out. Glen Beck says "Think outside the box," eh? Sounds like good advice; how about doing it? Paul Bonneau z<dot>z<dot>paulbx1<at>dfgh<dot>net
Dump the Right Thing To heck with low-end insurance policies, let's drop the junk government. Captain Comic
The Golden Urinal Several days after President Obama was re-elected president, he went over to see Bill and Hillary Clinton for dinner at their spacious home. After drinking several glasses of iced tea, he asked his host if he could use his personal bathroom. When he entered Bill Clinton 's private toilet, he was astonished to see that Clinton had a gold urinal! Wow! The next day, Obama told his wife, Michelle, about the urinal in Clinton 's private lavatory. "Just think,' he said, 'maybe I should get a gold urinal too. But on the other hand I think that it may be just a bit too self-indulgent... Even for a guy like me!" Later in the week, when Michelle had lunch with Hillary, she told Hillary how impressed her husband had been at his discovering that Bill had a gold urinal in his private bathroom. Later that day, when Bill got home, Hillary smiled and said to Bill: "I found out who pissed in your saxophone." Max Winkler-Wang
The Book of Face When I woke up this morning, I discovered that someone had left me an invitation on Facebook to "Like" Dark Horse Comics. For the record, I do like Dark Horse Comics.They have revolutionized the field and are the splendid source, among other things, of many of my favorite motion pictures. However I was feeling a bit cranky. I'd taken a fall yesterday—I tripped over the frigging cat box, of all things—and every muscle in my body was screaming when I woke up. So I wrote this: All undue modesty aside, I'm the author of at least two of the best graphic novels ever written, but next to nobody seems to know about them—all the while grossly inferior material routinely makes it into the movies. Tell you what: I'll like Dark Horse Comics when Dark Horse Comics likes me. L. Neil Smith
L. Neil Smith
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