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The Libertarian Enterprise
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Number 745, November 17, 2013
The most common threat to individual liberty in the
United States of America is "local law enforcement."
![]() Disappeared! by Rex May www.baloocartoons.com balooscartoonblog.blogspot.com facebook.com zazzle.com twitter.com |
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The Impeachable Offenses of Barack Hussein Obama Part 5
Letters to the Editor
The Golden Mean: Libertarian Politics, Conservative Values By Nelson Hultberg
"What are we going to do about it?"
A Use for Old People
Castigo Cay by Matthew Bracken: A Review
The Silver Circle
Clinton Vs Christie / Alien Vs Predator : Whoever Wins We Loose
Getting Rich Being Free
Gun Charity
Neale's Weekly Gun Rant Volume 33 & 34
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 251
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A FEW (HUNDRED) WORDS FROM THE PUBLISHER Colorado is about to recall its third victim-disarmer in the state Senate. The Obammunists are fighting tooth and nail—not to overlook checks from Michael Bloomberg—to protect the precious backside of one of the worst collectivist douchebags ever take up space and waste oxygen. Evie Hudak would decide for your wife, your daughter, your mother, or your neice what works to defend herself from robbery and rape and what doesn't. The woman has no credentials in this field and knows nothing about it. But apparently, the corrupt and well-singed spirits of Howard Metzenbaum, Mario Biaggi, and Thomas Dodd came down to her on a flaming pie and filled her in. So Colorado now has New York's gun laws. For the time being. There's far more at stake here than most observers understand. If Hudak is replaced by a Republican—not all Grand Old Partiers are alike; state leadership has opposed these recalls from the beginning and sees them strictly as incited by the Tea Party movement, a loose cannon they detest—the Democrats no longer hold the Colorado Senate, which means the recent orgy of gun-owner hatred is over. It will also give freedom-fighters in other states something to rally around, and might even precipitate the roll-back of a century of socialism. The Dems are frightened spitless, witless, and shitless. They can see an end to liberalism, progressivism, and political correctness coming. Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is a freight train. Toot, toot! Democratic governor John Hickenlooper may veto the repeal the first time, if he's as stupid as his face looks and his name sounds. But he knows it will be the end of his political aspirations, which are all aimed at Washington, and he's been lying exceedingly low of late. He once opined loudly that gun control doesn't work, then he turned his coat, and now he's rummaging through the closet all over again. For more information and a chance to help (recall petitioning will be over by the time you read this, but if it's been successful then there will be an entire election campaign to be fought), go to www.recallhudak.com. We see in the news that America's last lead refinery, capable of producing pure metal from raw ore, has shut down, and that, from now on, lead will have to come from other countries at enormously elevated prices. This means that the price of bullets, already artificially high thanks to the government's illegal manipulation of the market, will skyrocket. How does .45 ACP sound to you, at over five dollars a round? What happened is that the EPA pollution standards were suddenly, and almost inexplicably, tightened ten-fold so that no company could go on producing the metal economically. We say "almost inexplicably" because we know perfectly well what's going on, and so do you. This is yet another sneak- attack by the unspeakable Obama Administration on the unalienable individual, civil, Constitutional, and human right of every man, woman, and responsible child to obtain, own, and carry, openly or concealed, any weapon—rifle, shotgun, handgun, machinegun, anything—any time, any place, without asking anyone's permission. We are to be deprived, by any means, at any cost, of the machines and materials we need to prevent the eugenic/ecofascist massacre the administration and its UN accomplices are planning for nine tenths of humanity. With this act, the EPA has declared war on every American. It cannot be allowed to stand. This time it has to cost them something, and I suggest it be the EPA itself. It must be abolished, and every individual ever inconvenienced by it must be indemnified, from the EPA budget, as well as from the pockets, paychecks, and pensions of every employee. Write your congressthing today. Remember to include mention of the Colorado recall crusades. Make Ted and Mike and Rand—and I think maybe Sarah, too—talk about this loudly and in public until it happens. It's that or submit. No other choice. You may have noticed that the very apex of butt-stupid bigotry has recently been achieved by Joseph Farah, the drooling moron who owns and operates World Net Daily, occasionally, a fine alternative opinion website. Suicidally bad timing, too. Just as the general freedom movement has climbed back out of the grave Obammunism put it in, the country teeters on a razor-edge between freedom and perpetual slavery, and we appear to have socialism on the run for the first time in a century, this strategic and tactical fumblewit, to judge from recent mailings, has decided to alienate atheists, who make up a major fraction of his libertarian fellow travelers—and a surprising number of enlightened conservatives. Brilliant. Not. Second prize goes to Farah's best writer, Dr. Jerome Corsi, a highly distinguished and articulate individual, I have admirded greatly, and who has done many great things, who, for some reason that defies rationality, decided this week to announce that there can be no such thing as recreational sex. Sex is for reproduction only, Jerry informs us, not for fun. That's as opposed to Ayn Rand, who regarded sex as mankind's reward to itself for a life properly and productively lived. It's a life-saver when things aren't going very smoothly, as well. The word—I didn't read that far—is that he also provided his audience with a notice that one and only one position is acceptable in the jaundiced eyes of whatever fairies he sees at the bottom of his garden. Dr. Corsi, we reject your extremely sad and silly analysis, if you'll pardon the pun, which has told us a whole lot more about you than about sex. Much more, in fact, than any of us ever wanted to know. Finally, it makes me very happy to tell all my readers that I have been given an Honorary Life Membership in Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. JPFO, you see, is in the Holocaust prevention business. It's hard to convey, adequately, what this honor means to me, certainly more than any literary award I've ever won. It's more on the scale of having achieved the rank of Eagle in the Boy Scouts of America. Thank you, my friends, comrades-in-arms, and so-far-unidicted co-conspirators. You know who you are: http://www.JPFO.org. L. Neil Smith, author, lecturer
BACK TO THE EDITOR HERE: Sorry for the missing issue last week. I spent 6 days sleeping on a sofa in a hospital room while the medical people tried to fix my wife. At first it seemed like a bad kidney/bladder infection, but then things got more complicated and it turned out to be gallbladder problems. Rotten Gallbladder Syndrome or something. So, after 5 days of studying the problem, out came her gallbladder, and home she went the very next day. And is continuing to get better and better. Me, I'm pretty worn out! I also lost 10-pounds in the last week. Stress is bad, nnnkay? Again a reminder that we have renamed our "Books For Sale" area of the main page "L. Neil Smith's Bookstore"—the direct link is ncc-1776.org/index.html#books New bumperstickers now for sale at our Zazzle store. And tshirts and so on coming Real Soon Now at Zazzle. We are a Reader-Supported on-line eMagazine. Click the "Pay" button to pay the editor or any of our writers whatever you want to pay. We all will appreciate it! Ken Holder
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L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise