Mehr Licht!
(The Feature Article)

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise
— An International Journal of Opinion —

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Number 751, December 29, 2013
"More Light!"

Mikhail Kalashnikov
Mikhail Kalashnikov


The Impeachable Offenses of Barack Hussein Obama
by Terence James Mason
In 5 parts.

Letters to the Editor
rom J. Neil Schulman, Mike Blessing, and A.X. Perez

Mehr Licht!
by L.Neil Smith
As of the start of the coming year, both 60 and 40 watt light bulbs of the incandescent variety will join 75 and 100 watt bulbs in being outlawed by an illegal and record-breakingly stupid government edict.

Excellence in All Things: A New Year's Resolution
by Jeff Fullerton
2013 is winding down. Maybe Neil was right about 2012 being the "Last Good Year". Much of what I hoped to accomplish fell short of my best laid plans—though I did manage to get the greenhouse looking pretty spectacular with lots of new air plants established on mounts and suspended in air above the conservatory. That in itself was a grand accomplishment that I only regret not doing years ago. But it took me almost a decade to figure out such a neat method of using little chunks of sassafras wood or wine corks with hooks and wires.

Neale's Weekly Gun Rant Readers' Assignment
by Neale Osborn
Good morning, Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and a Wondrous Winter Solstice to all! This will be a brief one. VERY Brief.

Atlantea The Beautiful No. 257
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 257 of a weekly cartoon series.

Nullification Act

List of WikiLeaks mirrors:
Exposing War Crimes is NOT a crime!
Free Bradley Manning
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L. Neil Smith personally recommends Climate Depot
as the best general source of infomation on the subject.


Holsters and Sheaths from Survival Sheath Systems Double mag rig Mag and Baton or Flashlight Combo Rig
Used and recommended by L. Neil Smith
Take a look at:

Here we are at the last issue of the year. If I was in the habit of naming the just-passed year, 2013 would be called "The Year of the Medical Crisis." But there is always something, right?

Again a reminder that we have renamed our "Books For Sale" area of the main page "L. Neil Smith's Bookstore"—the direct link is none other than

New bumperstickers now for sale at our Zazzle store. And tshirts and so on coming Real Soon Now (honest!) at Zazzle.

We are a Reader-Supported on-line eMagazine. Click the "Pay" button to pay the editor or any of our writers whatever you want to pay. We all will appreciate it!

Ken Holder

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Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action
UN Agenda 21
Planning for Your future, serf!

Read all about it!:
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Libertarian National Radical Campaign Committee
Time to re-radicalize the LP!

The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton
The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton Archive


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L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise