On the Loss of a Friend
(The Feature Article)

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise
— An International Journal of Opinion —

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Number 757, February 9, 2014
Very good kitty



The Impeachable Offenses of Barack Hussein Obama
by Terence James Mason
In 5 parts.

Letters to the Editor
from Neale Osborn, Declan McCullagh, TJ Mason, Mike Benoit, and L. Neil Smith

On the Loss of a Friend
by L. Neil Smith
My old friend Ambrose has died. I don't suppose this really concerns anybody but me, but it's my way of dealing with a surprisingly painful event, so please bear with me. Ambrose was my cat—technically he was an Egyptian Housecat, Felis silvestris catus, as Wikipwedia puts it, a small, usually furry, domesticated, and carnivorous mammal—possibly the best such critter I've ever lived with in a lifetime filled with cats. He was a striped, orangey-yellow tom, of the kind that display an "M" on their forehead over their eyes. Or he was yellowy orange; to give you a better idea, his sister's name was Amber, and his mother's name was Cinnamon.

A Life of One's Own?—Fugget About It!
by Jeffery Small
Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Behind the scenes, the gears continue to turn slowly but continuously, always working to advance the progressive agenda. While Obama acts as the carney—the front man for our dark national circus—constantly repeating lies until they become accepted by many as though they were simple facts, there is an army operating in the shadows, often financed with our tax dollars, busily planning how to further exert control over our lives.

Judgment Play: My Years With Ayn Rynd—Chapter One
by Gnat Bloominthrall
What follows is the first chapter of Judgment Play: My Years With Ayn Rynd, my 25-years-too-late parody of the Nathaniel Branden’s 1989 memoir Judgment Day: My Years With Ayn Rand (not to be confused with the second and more restrained edition, My Years With Ayn Rand). The introduction to Judgment Play was published in the February 2, 2014 issue of The Libertarian Enterprise.

Silicon Assassin: A Review
by Sean Gangol
(Contains some spoilers) "Silicon Assassin" is another libertarian based form of entertainment that was unfairly panned by Davi Barker. "Silicon Assassin" is a web series shown on YouTube, which centers on a form of artificial intelligence that has chosen to fight for individual liberty. In the near future there is a great war that devastates the United States and allows the government to take the powers that they need to finally do away with individual liberty. As it says in the introduction, the government has basically become a twisted parody of the United States.

Want to See Alongside Night at a Movie Theater Near You?
by L. Neil Smith
Want to see Alongside Night at a movie theater near you? You don't have to leave it to Hollywood moguls anymore. You can put Alongside Night into a movie theater near you. Alongside Night has just been released into U.S. movie theaters via TUGG.com, a revolutionary distribution model where movie lovers get to put a movie they love (or would love to see) into a neighborhood movie theater and make money (for themselves or their favorite cause) by selling tickets. It costs them nothing and there's no cost to anyone if enough tickets aren't sold for the showing to happen.

by A.X. Perez
Ca. 2006 or earlier: Mexican Government begins crackdown on drug cartels at behest of US government. Same time period to present: DEA begins various "stings" in which it helps Sinaloa cartel smuggle drugs and money. However, while smuggling occurs no one actually gets stung. Ca 2006: Bush Administration starts Operation Wide Receiver in coordination with Mexican Government to trace movement of guns from US to Mexico. Operation stopped when it becomes clear it is impossible to keep track of guns.

Neale's Weekly Gun Rant Volume 42
by Neale Osborn
It has been pointed out to me that I made a simple mistake in my blanket statement "EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN CITIZEN HAS THE RIGHT TO CARRY A CONCEALED WEAPON". I shall now rectify the problem, then expand upon it, as suggested by Mama Liberty.

The Troika of the Anti-Intellectual Libertarian Faction
by Steve Vandervelde
First of all, before I go characterizing other people, I should make clear where I stand. I am an individualist libertarian and a philosophical anarchist. By philosophical anarchist I mean that individual liberty is the first principle of politics, the rights of the individual, not any other collective demands, are primary and override all other ethical considerations. Any human actions that are taken outside of the realm of ethics are not justifiable, except by some un-ethical means. You see, I agree with the basic meaning of anarchism, no ruler. It does not mean no rules, simply no rulers. Under a libertarian system rules are established contractually and by consent.

Atlantea The Beautiful No. 263
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 263 of a weekly cartoon series.

Nullification Act


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L. Neil Smith personally recommends Climate Depot
as the best general source of infomation on the subject.


Holsters and Sheaths from Survival Sheath Systems Double mag rig Mag and Baton or Flashlight Combo Rig
Used and recommended by L. Neil Smith
Take a look at: survivalsheath.com

Please read these words:

"I Read the News Today, Oh Boy"
by L. Neil Smith [email protected]
Senior Editorial Consultant
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

"Civitas Media's latest bonnet-bee, to compile a list of America's licensed gun-toters, is not only monumentally stupid and loathesomely unethical, it's also downright suicidal. Newspapers in America ... are dying. They will soon be as dead as stone tablets, cuneiform on clay, or papyrus scrolls."
[Read more]

And this note:

Be Part of an Amazing Experiment...

As almost everybody knows, the book business—like every other information enterprise on the planet—is in total flux. One reason I am happy with my current publisher, Phoenix Pick, is because they view this as an opportunity, rather than a threat.

While publishers are languishing and dying all around them, Phoenix Pick is hanging ten on the wave of the future, and I'm proud to be riding with them. Now you can ride with me by going to this astonishing website: www.BookBale.com where we're selling books by the bundle at a price you can choose.

The "Basic Bundle" consists of:

Lights in the Deep by Brad Torgerson

Veiled Alliances by Kevin J.Anderson

Ocean by Brian Herbert and Jan Herbert

Iterations by Robert J. Sawyer

Alien Influences By Kristine Kathryn Rusch, and

Their Majesties' Bucketeers by this guy named L. Neil Smith.

The website will explain how the deal works, and give you an idea of what each of these books is about.

There's also a "Bonus Bundle" that adds two books to the six above. They are:

Ivory by Mike Resnick

The Long Tomorrow by Leigh Brackett

I'm extremely proud to be associated with this idea and these distinguished and basically spiffy colleagues. Phoenix Pick is the publisher of Galaxy's Edge magazine and of many fine science fiction and fantasy books.

Questions? Email them at [email protected]

And thanks for "listening".


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Ken Holder

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Agenda 21: The United Nations Programme of Action
UN Agenda 21
Planning for Your future, serf!

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Libertarian National Radical Campaign Committee
Time to re-radicalize the LP!

The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton
The Last Sonuvabitch of Klepton Archive


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L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise