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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 776, June 22, 2014 Every man, woman, and responsible child has an unalienable individual, civil, Constitutional, and human right to obtain, own, and carry, openly or concealed, any weapon—rifle, shotgun, handgun, machinegun, anything—any time, any place, without asking anyone's permission. ![]() Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise Ya just don't mess with a successful format. And ya NEVER EVER piss off a pistol Packin' Mama Liberty. Okay, she's actually a very sweet woman, but that just doesn't have quite the ring. Here is the first of her two contributions to this missive, which is ALSO the 2nd in her series of articles on self defense training. [Link]
Read on at the link—even those of you who call yourself well-trained can always learn something new. I own a Taurus Model 605 polymer framed snub-nosed .357 mag, and it's one of my summer carry guns. Last week, on a trip to the range with my sons, I noticed the fluorescent insert in the front sight had fallen out. I called Taurus (who has a lifetime repair policy) and told them of my problem, They do not, under normal conditions, cover sights or grips after one year, and I've had the gun for 1 1/2 years. Buuut, they said this was not normal wear, but installation mishap. The new sight just showed up this afternoon. I REALLY like Taurus' customer service. Anybody in or around Rutland County? This great employee might need one. [Link] He sounds quite the good employee to me.
Hire him. You KNOW he'll keep your property safer than a stupid gun free zone sign will. Isn't it nice to hear Hillarious Rotten Clinton showing her true colors to the voters? [Link] This idiotic woman, whose sole qualifications forv president are being married to a president, and aiding him in destroying the reputations of women he molested, and serving as one of the worst Secretaries of State this country has ever seen ("What difference does it make?"), who presided over the rape/murder of a US Ambassador. And now, she feels that gun owners are terrorizing America. Never mind the fact that she is making it clear that she opposes the 1 Amendment, we can deal with that later.
First, her claims that We, the People who support our Bill of Rights are a minority, are completely false.
She ALSO states quite clearly that we cannot be allowed to hold an opinion that contradicts HER opinion. "We cannot let a minority of people—and it's, that's what it is, it is a minority of people— hold a viewpoint that terrorizes the majority of people" is pretty blunt. I can accept that she hates the 2nd Amendment and opposes those who support it. But telling the world that we have no right to opinions is a direct violation of the 1st Amendment protections of political free speech. Wasn't it Hillarious herself who once said "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration that somehow you're not patriotic. And we should stand up and say 'We are Americans and we have a right to disagree with any administration.'" ? Yup! [Link] I guess that pesky 1st Amendment only applies to Democrats opposing Bush, not anyone else opposing anything SHE likes. Last week, I addressed the Liar-In-Chief's assertion that we need "Australian style confiscation of firearms" to battle crime. Here's an Australian's response to the LIC—[Link]
The letter has a LOT more worth reading. Do so. The SCOTUS has, once again, refused to stand tall on the 2nd Amendment, this time in regards to so-called "strawman purchases". [Link] A "strawman purchase" is where a person who is legally permitted to buy a gun (first anti-Constitutional concept) purchases a gun for another person, who might or might not be permitted to "legally" purchase a gun. The SCOTUS has upheld federal bans on these purchases, which would even criminalize purchasing a gun for your wife or husband for Christmas, or for the kid as they turn 18, or any other purchase for another. Let me be crystal clear on this—people have a Constitutional, civil, and human right to own and carry, open or concealed, any weapon they so desire. Once a "criminal" has "paid his debt to society" (one of the biggest lies out there—the debt is NOT to society, it is to his victims, and he must make full restitution or be evicted from society), they are supposed to have their rights restored. So denying them the right to own and carry weapons is anti-Constitutional. Thus, this entire fiction of "legally permitted to own and carry arms" is exactly that—fiction. So Strawman purchases CANNOT be prohibited, Constitutionally speaking.
NO ONE bothered to attack the entire concept of denying people a Constitutional right for ANY reason. England and it's gun bans means less violent crime than here in the US. And here's the proof. Link to UK's violent crime for 2012. 1.9 million violent and sexual crimes (UK's version of rape). Link to FBI stats for violent crime on the US for 2012. 1.2 million violent crimes. Oh, wait. maybe population is different. Let's go for per capita rates. So, the US had 312 million residents, for 1 violent crime per every 260 citizens. The UK and Wales had a population of 56.6 million people, (link) for a rate of 1 violent crime per every 29.8 subjects. That means, if we just ban guns, and get another 9 million violent crimes committed, we can finally be on par with the UK. OORAH! Again, we see that Armed Decent People never use a firearm successfully for self defense. [Link] For the idiot children out there who want to ban ANY type of guns, this is sarcasm.
Of course, these poor burglarizing businesspeople would NEVER have used their handgun to harm the homeowners. Gibraltarego, a member of a group I own on NewsVine, posted this link. It is short (2minutes, 47 seconds). Watch it. Pay close attention to how the forensic psychologist tells CNN and the rest of the media how to handle these tragic events IF they actually want them to stop. He makes a lot of sense. It comes down to Paul Harvey's famous lines (I copy them fairly regularly): [in his iconic voice] "Today, a man entered a school and killed three students. He'd like me to mention his name......" Somehow, I missed this in my e-mail que last week. I hope mama Liberty forgives me, but I'm just going to give her the opening shot AND the final shot this week and hope for the best! [Link]
Read it and see where it ends up.... Firearms Quote of the Week— "The only thing that can make a 110 pound woman the equal of a
220 pound thug bent on doing her harm is 2 pounds of Hartford Steel."
And that's a wrap for this week.
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