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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 777, June 29, 2014 Over a fairly long lifetime, so far, I have come to the sobering realization that all that leftists, communists, socialists, Democrats can do ... all they ever think about is killing. ![]()
Send Letters to editor@ncc-1776.org
To Tell the Truth Saw the following posted on the net: Parents of California shooting victims speak out. One teeny, tiny problem, the parents in question were the parents of the young men stabbed to death. This headline is the fourth or fifth I've read misstating the event. Let me sum up my take on these misstatements: A) It was not about a mass shooting, it was a mass killing. Three men were stabbed to death, one man and two women shot dead, several others injured by gunfire, two injured with an automobile (he was trying to kill them), and the killer finally committed suicide. Our sociopath was killing whoever, however, with whatever. B) It was not part of a "war on women", not with more male victims than female. Then again, the young man in question was quite inept in dealing with real life, as demonstrated by his plaint that at twenty two he was still a virgin. Sorry, any kid who can act like a gentleman for twenty minutes straight can begin a friendship that will get him laid within two months given sufficient privacy. ( I will confess to being socially inept and knowing many socially inept people, all of us managed to make new very good friends at least once by the age of 22. Hell, at 16 I was crashing college dances and at least managing not to get kicked out.) C) It is not a consequence of "male privilege." That said, I am willing to concede that the boy in question suffered from delusions of male (and class) privilege that he apparently failed to exercise successfully in an amatory manner. It's kind of scary when the leftist hoplophobic statists shaping government policy and cultural debate and sociopath murderers share a delusion. D) At least they refrained from calling for gun bans this time. They did call for doing a better job of correctly listing mentally ill persons likely to misuse weapons. Arguing against this is the danger of persons the party in power finds objectionable for political reasons being declared mentally incompetent (they have to be crazy or they'd be on our side.). On the other hand I know at least one person of questionable mental stability who otherwise qualifies for a CCL, but won't get one because they don't want to promise to abide by the ZAP even to the limited degree Texas law requires. Mass killings happen because psychotic sociopaths try to reorder the world to fit their delusions by force (Did I just describe many famous political leaders?). These people are more likely to be stopped by armed (and even unarmed) resistance. It is nice if we can identify and block such people from acting on their delusions on time. It is even possible that without generating a lot of attention we do. But slapping ideologies of left or right on these events is a distraction from preventing as many of these atrocities as possible. A.X. Perez
Re: "Being John Hancock" by L. Neil Smith I think part of the problem with showbiz types is that they've been encased in a "cocoon" of the showbiz culture, and honestly often don't know much about the real world. To make it in that field you have to have laser-beam focus on it, which makes it more difficult to understand things outside of it. And I also think that the fact that even the most successful actors and actresses know that their success was at least as much a matter of luck as talent has a lot to do with it. Being "in the right place at the right time" helps immensely—Harrison Ford was working on George Lucas' house as a carpenter (he'd had roles before, but not big ones) when he got asked if he'd do Han Solo. If he'd been elsewhere that day, or Star Wars had been El Floppo Maximo, he'd be back with the carpentry. Every big name in the field almost certainly knows people who're just as talented, just as good, but who didn't get the breaks. They extrapolate from that to the outside world, and think that all success is a matter of pure raw luck, not something that the successful deserve. Eric Oppen
Just a Thought "President Barack Obama on Friday slammed Republicans for a forthcoming lawsuit against him over alleged abuse of executive power, saying such actions were only necessary because the GOP has been unwilling to compromise on even the most basic issues." (http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/obama-slams-gop-lawsuit-theyre-mad-im-doing-something-n142686) Apparently nbcnews.com doesn't get it. You don't compromise on "the most basic issues." Arguably, that's the definition of terms of most basic issues, things you don't compromise on. Or perhaps that is exactly the point. From "thick libertarianism" to "Republican compromise", the left more and more seems to be of the opinion that their way is the only way and that other parties exist only to pretend opposition, then face palm, yell "of course, now we get it", and agree with the progressives. Perhaps its time the left stop defining compromise as admitting that they are right and giving them everything they want. Just a thought A.X. Perez
We pre-released my first book a couple weeks ago and the reaction has been phenomenal. I wish I could say this is the book that everyone on earth is going to read that will take us to the tipping point of the paradigm shift, but I CAN SAY with confidence, that this is currently the most effective tool for winning converts to the message of liberty and will be critical to growing the freedom movement into the next demographic. If you haven't read/heard FREEDOM! yet, do it! It's available in every format possible including the audiobook for FREE here. The official release is coming July 4th and we'll be launching the book with the FREEDOM! (money) BOMB! 24-Hour Live Broadcast starting at 9am on July 3rd at adamvstheman.com/live. It's going to be interesting. I've never tried to go 24 hours! Please mark your calendars so you can call in and help me out! We are very excited to (finally) announce the launch of our online store! Thanks to Nathan and Justin of Where2Print for putting this together, we now have a completely independent operation that is going to handle book printing and all of YOUR needs for freedom gear. For now, you can help launch the book and the store by getting a FREEDOM! Package for $17.76. Check it out! As you probably noticed, we've changed the AVTM production formula. Sorry it took so long to respond to the demands of the fans, but yes, we are shifting focus to field videos and away from studio and daily news production videos. We've still got some big projects in the works, but for now, this is the best way to serve you, the viewer. We'll still be doing the live show as a mostly call in show Monday nights from 6-9pmPT at adamvstheman.com/live. Tonight, we've got an amazing show about how the rebellious spirit of music has been suppressed over the last several decades featuring Jeffrey Phillips of Hollywood Undead, Ryan Rockwell of Mixtapes, and Adam Armstrong of Rebel Inc. So with more quality content, but less content overall, we need your help sharing videos! Everything we put out should be something you can share. If not, email me and let me know! [email protected]. Thank you especially to everyone who's read the book and shared it! Thanks to everyone who's been a part of the conversation around the book in the forums! Thank you to everyone who has donated and especially our monthly donors for making AVTM and FREEDOM! possible! Liberated, Adam Kokesh
Death of a Cowboy Old Bill—The Cowboy; former rodeo judge at the Township Fair, neighbor & Father of my friend Bruce The Historian has finally hung up his ropes for good. After lingering a few months in failing health he passed away yesterday evening. He was an uncommon kind of man in this part of the country and this day and age. He always called me TJ—"Turtle Jeff" as it was a conversation with him several years ago at my Grandma's funeral that led to my friendship with Bruce when came seeking husbandry advice for his daughter's pet turtle. Now I'll be going to his funeral this week. I will miss him. It won't be the same anymore visiting his place now—though his widow will carry on and his sons will continue to use the recently refurbished arena in the pasture for years to come. Could say a lot more but better to keep it short and sweet.
Jeff Fullerton
EPA Employees Told to Stop Pooping in the Hallway L. Neil Smith
[ Ya just can't make this stuff up, folks—Editor ]
Re: "Three And A Half Funerals", by L. Neil Smith Bravo Neil! I wish more teenage boys would read this before going down to the local recruiter and ruining their lives and others' lives. Paul Bonneau
Ron Paul Channel: Ron Paul Makes Cameo in J. Neil Schulman's Film Alongside Night Video is Ron Paul Interview with me on the Ron Paul Channel! [Link] J. Neil Schulman
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