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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 784, August 17, 2014 The IRS Will Never Find Us in the Asteroid Belt ![]()
Send Letters to editor@ncc-1776.org
My Goodness! Dear Editor, So, it seems, if we are to believe Tom Kratman, I'm an illiterate idiot. It seems strange, because I always got such high marks for reading comprehension. It also seems odd, since I went to the trouble to not only read the excerpt that our amazing editor posted to the front of LNS's TLE, but also followed the link back, read Kratman's original effluvia, and bothered to quote him. Neale, at least, seems to feel horror at the coming holocaust. Maybe that is enough. In addition to Kratman's eagerness to slaughter people for having
thoughts that disagree with Kratman's ideology, along with people who
lack immigration papers he finds suitable, along with people he thinks
may have committed a crime or anyway ended up in a prison cell, to the
tune of (by my estimate) over 50 millions of persons yet unknown,
there were some news articles out of Iraq, Ukraine, and elsewhere that
strongly suggested the continuing need for what Neal Stephenson once
called the "holocaust education and avoidance pod," or HEAP.
Google still carries a top ten link for that search term to a subreddit on the topic of "heap" which seemed entirely topical, but the topic is not only empty, it appears to be a deliberate pitfall—posts don't work, messages to the topic moderator don't work, messages to the identified moderator's separate personal message queue don't work. Which is sad, since one of the continuing problems for the HEAP pod project, as a technology and materiel offering to endangered persons, is gun barrels. Re-wiring and old lamp the other day, I noticed that very high quality steel barrels might be moved over borders and through customs if they were functional lamp post segments of various diameters and lengths. Lamp posts don't need to be made of the same quality of steel, of course, but they have certain geometrical properties in common with gun barrels. The only other point that seems worth mentioning to Neale is, "we" are not headed only in one particular direction. Each individual has choices. Sincerely, Tyrone Johnson
[ It appears to me that Kratman is just a psychopath. The whole entire world is and has always been in the hands of psychopaths. We used to think "if only we could educate them" then everything would be AOkay. It won't. What to do about them is one of the great questions waiting for a reasonable, practical, and effective answer. I don't know what that answer is.—Editor ]
Re: "Introducing Libertarianism to the Mainstream" by Sean Gangol Gee: maybe you should check with J. Neil Schulman about his troubles getting distributor for his movie Alongside Night. A.X. Perez
Fences Dear Editor, Paul Bonneau does an excellent job in explaining the current round of nastiness over so-called reform of immigration in his essay: "Defending Our Culture from the Invaders" Three of the things he said made particularly bright light bulbs go off in my head. One was his comment about "brown" people picking strawberries doesn't get most of these xenophobes upset, but having them get "free shit" like health care and education, that's just crazy talk. His comment made me immediately think of my own ancestry, rather darker than brown, and how slaves on sugar plantations in the Caribbean were entitled to cut cane the whole day through, and as much of the night as the Moon was up, while receiving remarkably poor health care. Field "hands" died young, sometimes of diseases related to dietary insufficiencies, often of insect-borne illnesses directly relevant to their forced labour. Possibly there are people in America who want to put the immigrant field labourers in their place—we've come such a very long way. Second, he talked about fences. Somewhere in my head is the conversation where a friend said rather portentously "any fence strong enough to keep foreigners out is strong enough to keep the domestic population in." For some reason, I want to say it was about the Iron Curtain and Berlin Wall, but that doesn't seem quite right. Third, Paul mentions his willingness to tolerate fascism, xenophobia, and collectivism, provided he is left alone. I'm a tough sell on that one. When my neighbour's pocket is being picked, when his nose is being broken, when his wife is being raped, I'm apt to do something. It is not enough to leave me alone. Fascism and collectivism have a way of spreading, and xenophobia is often applied on the basis of how someone looks, and I didn't get all this curly hair from blue-eyed blondes, I'm sure. I don't wish to force others to be tolerant, of course, as that wouldn't be possible; I do wish to prevent them from using force to impose their policies of ethnic or philosophical cleansing, or their policies of seizing the means of production, whether I have shares in those means or not. Sincerely, Tyrone Johnson
My long-time friend, the libertarian writer L. Neil Smith, had a stroke a few weeks ago, and I've been visiting him as often as I can and keeping track of his progress. Rex May
Re: "Introducing Libertarianism to the Mainstream" by Sean Gangol Sean, while I do not oppose your viewpoint, consider: The current crop of Statists & Leftists would NOT be in power if it were not for their initial focus on, and current stranglehold on, Academia. Unless beaten into people's minds from as early an age as possible— thus rendering Rational Thought almost IMpossible—Statism makes no sense. And once fully programmed into those young "skulls full of mush" ™ Freethinking Libertarianism finds very few cracks in the asphalt in which to grow. We can focus on the "culture" (such as it isn't) as much as we want... but if those receiving "education" are programmed AGAINST Freedom, then the Libertarian perspective has little chance of becoming mainstream. Most times, to defeat your enemy you have to think/act like your enemy (within the constraints of ethics)—which means, far from shunning academia, we need to tear a page out of the "Book of the 60s" and infiltrate, suborn and overtake Academia. Until the Collapse, nothing else will be fruitful. Bryan Potratz
Space for All Foundation Essay Contest Dear Fellow Libertarian: Let me take a moment to thank you for all the hard work that you do on behalf of liberty. Unfortunately there is far too much work and too little appreciation! Can I ask a favor? Would you please send the following out to any appropriate lists? We are a small group of libertarians developing an organization to promote private space travel. Pie in the sky? Perhaps. but we are making some good small steps in the right directions. We would really appreciate you letting people know about this contest. Please let us know if you have any comments or questions. Sincerely,
THE FOLLOWING: Space for All Foundation Essay Contest
Level I 4th-9th Graders
Entry Deadline: October 30, 2014.
Assume the following:
2. We would like the essays to focus on the next 20 years.
Topics for Level II
Judging The winning applicant will be judged on both style and content. Judges will look for writing that is clear, articulate and logically organized. Winning essays must demonstrate an outstanding grasp of the societal implications of the topics. Essay submissions are evaluated in a fair and unbiased four-round judging process. Judges are founding members of the Space for All Foundation and the essays will be judged in a manner to ensure the anonymity of our participants. The Space for All Foundation checks essays with Ithenticate plagiarism detection software. Rules No application is required. The Contest is open to students worldwide. Entrant must be a 4th-9th Grader for Level I and a 10th grade to college undergraduate for Level II. To avoid disqualification the email with the essay must include the following information: 1. Your name and address.
Level I Essay must be no fewer than 450 and no more than 1,500 words in length. Essay must be emailed no later than October 30, 2014, no later than 11:59 PM, Pacific Standard time. Essay must be emailed to Essay must be solely the work of the entrant. Plagiarism will result in disqualification. Essays must not infringe on any third party rights or intellectual property of any person, company, or organization. By submitting an essay to this Contest, the entrant agrees to indemnify the Space for All Foundation for any claim, demand, judgment, or other allegation arising from possible violation of someone's trademark, copyright, or other legally protected interest in any way in the entrant's essay. Decisions of the judges are final. Employees of the Space for All Foundation, its board of directors and their immediate family members are not eligible for this contest. Past first-place winners are not eligible for this contest. All entries become the property of the Space for All Foundation and will not be returned. Winners will be notified via e-mail by December 20, 2014. Winners will be required to provide a picture holding their essay in order to receive any prizes. Contest winners agree to allow the Space for All Foundation to post their name and picture on any affiliated websites. The winning first place essay may be posted in its entirety on any of these websites with full credit given to the author. Winners will be solely responsible for any federal, state or local taxes.
Essay must be no fewer than 800 and no more than 1,600 words in length. Essay must be emailed no later than October 30, 2014, no later than 11:59 PM, Pacific Standard time. Essay must be emailed to Essay must be solely the work of the entrant. Plagiarism will result in disqualification. Essays must not infringe on any third party rights or intellectual property of any person, company, or organization. By submitting an essay to this Contest, the entrant agrees to indemnify the Space for All Foundation for any claim, demand, judgment, or other allegation arising from possible violation of someone's trademark, copyright, or other legally protected interest in any way in the entrant's essay. Decisions of the judges are final. Employees of the Space for All Foundation, its board of directors and their immediate family members are not eligible for this contest. Past first-place winners are not eligible for this contest. All entries become the property of the Space for All Foundation and will not be returned. Winners will be notified via e-mail by December 20, 2014. Winners will be required to provide a picture holding their essay in order to receive any prizes. Contest winners agree to allow the Space for All Foundation to post their name and picture on any affiliated websites. The winning first place essay may be posted in its entirety on any of these websites with full credit given to the author. Winners will be solely responsible for any federal, state or local taxes. To Enter Please do not submit duplicate essays! If submitting your essay electronically, you will be sent an email confirming our receipt. If you have not received an e-mail notification within 48 hours, please e-mail and ask for confirmation. Comments or Questions Comments or questions about the essay contests are welcome. Please write to Sincerely,
A Test Members of the Open Carry Movement see themselves and other supporters of gun rights as the last line defending their fellow Americans from NeoNazis, the Klan, and all other racists, fascists, and supporters of tyranny. Proponents of gun control see Members of the Open Carry Movement and other supporters of gun rights as NeoNazis, the Klan, etc. Here's a test. How would you react if you saw a bunch of Brown or Black people marching down the street or walking into Starbucks with modern sporting rifles and shotguns? I think it would be a good thing, and even better if an armed "rainbow coalition" did this. A.X. Perez
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