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![]() ![]() THE LIBERTARIAN ENTERPRISE Number 790, September 28, 2014 That is all they have. That is the whole trick. ![]() Attribute to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise First, a joke passed to me by Mama Liberty, cuz it's just damn funny, then the serious from her.
OKAY, wipe the coffee stains off the monitor, and let's get to the wisdom of Mama Liberty. [Link]
Go to her article, finish it. And DO follow the link—that piece is tres interressant. Never let it be said I do not stand up for the good cops, however few there may be. [Link]
If YOUR local sheriff is one of these, support him when he stands up for you. I can't do it for mine, because while he IS standing up for the 2nd Amendment, he's fond of stealing federal dollars and military equipment. What a shame....... As we all know by now, Eric Holder, Ass-torney General of the United States, has resigned his position. No one is mourning the loss of such a useless piece of shit. in fact, the only regrets I have heard are that he'll probably never be charged for all the times he has violated the Constitution, and that if Obama has his way (and the opening) The POS will wind up on the SCOTUS, or at least a Circuit Court of Appeals. Mr. Lewis should know better than to stop a thief—thieves have to eat, too. Besides, Mr. Lewis is 89 years old, the thief young—Mr. Lewis should have let the youngster go—89 is old enough!! [Link]
Hasn't this old man done enough damage to the local criminal populace? As the Atlantic Journal—Constitution noted, this wasn't the first time he's had a scuffle of this nature.
So this wasn't Lewis's first rodeo. This man is dangerous—to criminals. OOH RAH, Sir! Here's a frigging surprise. [Link] A liberal gun control fanatic (who just so happens to have a CCW and does carry) carried his gun onto school property. Which I happen to support as his right (the carrying part). Carrying guns on campus, and arming teachers, happens to be a no-no according to this hypocrite. After being spotted carrying concealed, the campus is locked down, and he is eventually apprehended for violating the "Keep Victims Defenseless and Contained" er, "Gun Free School" Zone, a felony crime. And he gets... 100 hours of community service, and keeps his gun AND license.
Wanna bet If you or I did this we'd be getting acquainted with Bubba by now? Here's the problem—He was well within his rights to carry wherever and whenever he wants. But it pisses me off that we see yet another example of "I'm better than you are—the laws I propose and support do not apply to ME!" Toss the fucking book at him. Do you use "Square" (that little cube you can hook to your smart phone in order to take credit cards via phone)? Well, they don't want YOUR business if you sell guns, ammo, or parts. They started out just not taking internet sales of firearms and related supplies, but now, they have changed their rules in order to kow tow to the anti-Constitutional "Operation Chokepoint". [Link] Last summer, around the same time the U.S. Department of Justice's Operation Choke Point began pressuring banks to drop customers who buy or sell firearms, tobacco and other goods considered "not acceptable" by the Obama administration, Square quietly changed its terms of agreement. In an alert regarding a change of terms, Square notified vendors:
The new terms differ from Square's original terms of agreement, which banned only the "online" sales of firearms, a practice for which sites such as the popular eBay have long been criticized. (Square's terms, by the way, also prohibit the online sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products—goods that also are targeted by Operation Choke Point.) Today, the Square's terms prohibit gun-shop owners from using the credit-card processor not only when they are conducting gun sales at their brick-and-mortar stores but even more so when they are offsite, representing their stores at gun shows where they often need the wireless Square Reader to ring up sales on smartphones or tablets. Gun show have been a target of anti-gun activists for nearly 20 years. I'm tossed on this one for several reasons—First, I don't want to give money to ANY asshole that does not support my Constitutional rights—ANY of them. But I would love to get a Square, and sell guns using it for a while, then tell them what I'd done, just to piss them off. And I'm REALLY pissed off that Holder, who we all hate anyway, used the Justice Department to interfere in legal US businesses such as firearms sales, tobacco sales, and pornography sales, and he has gotten away with it. As we all know by now, the cocksucker has resigned (YAY!!!) but will probably go unpunished for his crimes (such as "Operation Gunrunner" and "Operation Chokepoint") BOO! We discussed this a few weeks ago, and now, it is settled—the assault victim settles for 1.5 million dollars and the cop is allowed to resign. [Link] Funny, if I were videotaped doing this, I'd be jailed, probably on hate crime charges, AND sued into bankruptcy in a civil suit. But Mr. Piggy gets his legal bills paid by the PBA, the city pays his settlement, and he RESIGNS, which will most likely save his pension. Not much justice there, is it?
Don't get me wrong, she deserves to be paid, but Mr. Piggy needs some time amongst his homeys in the pen to cure his constipation problems. NOT a cushy pension. It's all over the place, even MSNBC has had to address it—Obama insults his Marine Honor Guard with his half-assed salute. No, it wasn't half-assed—it was fucking rude. I do not always come off as a huge military supporter—not because the men and women are some sort of lowlifes, but because I do not believe we should have a large standing military, and I do not support what our government keeps using them for. But the Marine honor Guard is NOT just there to look pretty—they are all fully armed with loaded weapons, and they are there for a damn good reason—to protect their Commander-in-Chief, with their lives, if necessary. And the President, as that CiC, IS THE HIGHEST RANKING MILITARY MAN IN THE COUNTRY. Whether we like it or not, there is a mode of military decorum that is to be followed by ALL military people. The President is NEVER in uniform, but he is the only military officer who gets, AND RETURNS a salute when not in uniform. I do not know, but I certainly do suspect, that each president is given a briefing on how to respond to his salutes. There have been many different ways to appropriately salute over the years, but one thing is for sure, it is NEVER appropriate for the saluting hand to contain ANYTHING IN IT. In my opinion, returning the salutes of the Marines with a cup of coffee in the saluting hand is just.... wrong. How damn hard would it be to just switch the damn cup to the other hand? These men may some day take bullets trying to keep your sorry ass alive, Barry, and you at least owe them that much. If I were president, I'd either make it clear I salute no one, or I'd give them the proper return they deserve. It might not be a salute a DI on Parris Island would consider proper, but my hand would be empty, and I'd do my best. Carry On! I've been lax, I admit it. With all the crap going on, this one just fell under the radar. [Link] But having had it come back to my attention, I feel it DOES need to be addressed. First, from the MSN story—
Now, on to what my (admittedly sparse) research has shown me. First, Mr. Crawford was APPARENTLY waving the gun around in a careless, not threatening way—the way the ignorant do when they dismiss BB guns as toys. He apparently did NOT have it in a firing grip, nor was his finger anywhere near the trigger. He was on the phone with his wife, apparently discussing whether to buy the B gun for their kid. He HAD removed the gun from the sporting goods area, which DOES NOT violate any laws or store policy. It is unclear whether he had un-wrapped it, or if it was stored out of the box. And the 911 caller was the ONLY person, seeing Mr. Crawford with the BB gun, who supposedly felt threatened by him, or thought he was acting threatening. It is unclear to me what model the BB gun was—some DO look like M16s or AK47s, which might lend a cop to shoot first out of ignorant fear. Ohio is an Open Carry state—
[Link] This means that while it may well be uncommon, the cops have NO REASON to assume that a rifle is there for nefarious purposes. And I do have to wonder if it was ME there, a white male, carrying the same gun, would I have taken a few bullets, or was it because he was black? I do NOT claim to have the answer, so don't go off assuming I'm jumping on the racism bandwagon! NOTE! Since I wrote this, store surveillance video shows that Mr. Crawford was gunned down execution style—never given a chance to even surrender. This one really disturbs me. A "teacher" in a public school—a government employee that many of you surrender your kids' care to on a daily basis, uses a 14 yr old special needs girl a bait to catch a 16 yr old rapist. I cannot even begin to count the number of ways this is horrible.
And the damn VICE (appropriately) PRINCIPAL supports the teacher in this!!!!!! One can only assume it was his idea, if he didn't IMMEDIATELY move to have the teacher fired AND arrested on charges of child endangerment or whatever the proper legal term is for taking a handicapped girl and GIVING HER TO A SUSPECTED RAPIST!!
If I were the poor girl's parent, the teacher, the vice principal, AND that damn little bastard would be dead by now............. I'm sure some asshole is going to say "See! This is why we need to ban guns! She'd still be alive if he was unarmed!" totally ignoring that she tried to defend herself with a baseball bat and he took it away. He was going to kill her no matter what, unless SHE had a gun and shot HIM! [Link] Now, I admire her guts, hiding (and saving) the baby with her last breath, but this isn't a gun problem (except for HER not having one), it's an asshole problem.
I'm wondering why the move baffled police, though. Where the hell else was she going to hide the baby? She did the best she could, and the baby lives. A win for a brave mommy. I grieve for the family's loss, and hope the baby grows up respecting her brave mother. Bwahahahahaha! Okay, okay, I get it. This mean woman shouldn't have had the nerve to shoot this poor A robber near El Reno, Oklahoma, targeted the wrong home to attack. Instead of weakly cowering like an impotent Mom's Demand Attention supporters, Cathy Kouba took action, flanked the surprised burglar by looping around the house, and then unloaded on him:
Law enforcement found a blood trail that suggests Kouba connected with the burglar, but does not yet have a suspect in custody. In many jurisdictions shooting a fleeing criminal is considered assault with a deadly weapon and so firing at a fleeing suspect is not encouraged, but the authorities here seem to show very little interest in charging Kouba. The simple fact of the matter is that the odds of a successful prosecution of the mother of a special needs child defending her home is between slim and none, and the prosecutor knows it. Unfortunately the same response in some parts of the nation—each and every one dark blue politically—would result in her being charged. Fire only when faced with immediate lethal force, folks. That last line is a good one, because she's lucky the prosecutor has a brain. Don't get me wrong, I'm on her side totally (DUH!) but she did run a huge risk shooting a fleeing scumbag. Stupid Assault Grandmas, we gotta ban'em! [Link]
I guess all you cop-boosters will say "She shouldn't take care of the baby—she got what she deserved!" Another example of idiots in uniform shooting the innocent. At least THIS time, their victim survived AND didn't get charged with manufactured offenses CAUSED by the damn pigs! Atlantic City has gone bonkers—Literally!! [Link] Next time I visit the parents, I'm taking the kids to the boardwalk to play Cowboys and Indians........... And now, for the Quote of the Week. Today, we shall visit L. Neil Smith, and deliver his Atlanta Declaration.
And I'm sure that, as usual whenever I post this, not only are the frothers going to flip, so are many on MY side of the argument. But we can handle that later. Bye, Y'all—til next time!
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