The Impeachable Offenses of Barack Hussein Obama
by Terence James Mason
In 6 parts.
Letters to the Editor
from Mike Blessing, A.X. Perez, and Fight For the Future
Planning For Self Defense
by MamaLiberty
Yesterday I was visiting a blog and read an article describing one person's admonition NOT to
have a "plan" for self defense. The discussion that followed was very interesting, and quite long, and I suggest
you go to the link above to read it since I won't attempt to reconstruct any of the argument.
However, I think it is important to clarify this point in my own last article. After reading it over, in light
of the above mentioned discussion, I can see where the need for, and limitations of, planning might be quite
confusing to some folks, especially those new to self defense.
ISIS/ISIL, Peace, and True Security
by Neale Osborn
I don't know everything, but this I DO know—Islam is not a religion of peace. NO religion
that still advocates for conversion of non-believers by the sword can be. I've read the Qu'ran, and it has
a lot to say that I find tolerable, and even some things that are admirable. Their rules for hospitality and
charity can be wonderfully kind. That being said, a religion that carefully lays out what thickness of rod you
may use to beat your wife is NOT a kindly faith. A religion that considers anyone who does NOT follow the faith
to be worthy of only converting or killing is not a religion of faith. Any religion that lists members of certain
faiths (Judaism and Christianity) as having abandoned the correct faith (Islam), and thus being apostates, who must
immediately revert (return to Islam, even though in reality they were never a part of Islam at all) and submit to
Allah or be executed is not a religion of peace. And last but not least, any religion that has a specific set of
laws (Shariah) that must be instituted on a worldwide basis, these laws specifically setting forth behaviors that
must be followed by all, even those NOT of the faith, or face draconian punishments, is not a religion of peace.
Nor is a religion that lists the types of people you may make into slaves particularly peaceful, either.
Why did science make little real progress in Europe in the Middle Ages?
by Tim O'Neill
Summary: This question is based on the common but erroneous belief that
there was no scientific progress in the Middle Ages. In fact, modern historians of science
have long since shown this to be a myth and have gone on to show that far from being a
scientific dark age, the Medieval period lay the foundations of modern science.
Neale's Gun Rant for 9-28-2014
by Neale Osborn
First, a joke passed to me by Mama Liberty, cuz it's just damn funny,
then the serious from her.
Atlantea The Beautiful No. 296
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 296 of a weekly cartoon series.