An Unavoidable Truth About Terrorism
(The Feature Article)

L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise
— An International Journal of Opinion —

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Number 802, December 21, 2014
Happy Zagmuk!

Happy Zagmuk
Happy Zagmuk

Down With Power Audiobook!
The Down With Power audiobook read by Brian Wilson
Get it here!


The Impeachable Offenses of Barack Hussein Obama
by Terence James Mason
In 7 parts.

Letters to the Editor
from J. Neil Schulman, Kristophr, Bob Gibson, Richard Bartucci, and Jeff Colonnesi

An Unavoidable Truth About Terrorism
by L. Neil Smith
When I boot up every morning, my "homepage" for at least twenty years has been The Drudge Report. I don't possess broadcast television (I watch Netflix), so this morning I was surprised by screaming headlines concerning some homicidal loonie taking over a chocolate shop full of hostages in downtown Syndney, Australia, in the name of Allah.

Ralph Cudworth v Thomas Hobbes on Witchcraft
by Sean Gabb
Thanks to Google Books, I have just read The True Intellectual System of the Universe (1678) by Ralph Cudworth (1617-88). This is an immense book. The 1837 edition that I read is well over a thousand pages of closely-packed text, and much of the argument is carried on by quotations in Greek and Latin, which I can read, and in Hebrew, which I cannot.

How to Get Rid of John Boehner
by L. Neil Smith
More than any other person, the miscreant most responsible for burdening Americans with Obamacare, shredding the Constitution in the matter of Obama's amnesty edict, and destroying freedom in countless ways over the past seven years is the man who could have stopped it all, or at least slowed it down, Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner.

Neale's Weekly Gun Rant for 12-21-2014
by Neale Osborn
Last week, we got gypped out of a piece by Mama Liberty. :( THIS week, we have a great one by her! :) Listen carefully Children—the title is "Now Hear This" for a damn good reason!: I'm seriously hearing impaired. Though I hear a lot of actual sound, inner ear damage from early childhood restricts how much of it I actually understand because I don't distinguish one sound from another very well. That is most troubling when listening to human speech, because the different sounds are usually quite subtle. I've had to read lips and watch body language all my life.

Happy Zagmuk!
by L. Neil Smith
At about this time every year, I have written an article like this one, initially meant to convey, in the face of Joseph Farah and his fellow chin-dribblers, that this is not necessarily the Christian nation they claim, that the First Amendment wisely sets religion, or lack of it, outside the realm of politics, and that the country was founded by a mixture of atheists and men of faith, with an occasional Jew tossed in, and, who knows? Maybe even a Moslem or a Buddhist or a Hindu.

Atlantea The Beautiful No. 308
by L. Neil Smith and Rex May
Number 308 of a weekly cartoon series.

Nullification Act

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And, just in time for the holidays, the Down With Power audiobook, read by Brian Wilson.

Today is the shortest day of the year. First day of winter. Winter solstice. Midwinter. Yule. Or, as some of the ancients called it, Zagmuk.

Happy Zagmuk!

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L. Neil Smith's
The Libertarian Enterprise