Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 837, September 6, 2015

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they're offering us the Three Stooges
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Does Pot Cure Cancer? A Medical Marijuana Documentary
by Danny Panzella
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

Media Contact:
Danny Panzella
for Does Pot Cure Cancer? A Medical Marijuana Documentary
[email protected]

Groundbreaking Documentary on Cannabis Cancer Research Seeks $30K In Crowdfunding To Change the Future of Cancer Treatment

New York City filmmakers are documenting scientific research that backs up the anecdotal claims of cancer survivors who say they have cured cancer with pot.

New York City, NY—Sept 1, 2015—Over half a million people a year die from cancer related illness, that's 1500 a day in the United States alone. Could those lives have been saved? Could those diseases have been avoided? The internet is rife with stories of people claiming to have cured their cancers (and other diseases) with marijuana. Mainstream medical science dismisses these claims as anecdotal or conspiracy theories. But are they?

The films Director Danny Panzella's mother was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer and given 2 years to live with chemotherapy. A year into her treatment Danny was convinced that it wasn't just the cancer, but the chemo drugs that were killing his mother and it was then that he began his journey to research alternative cancer treatments. Down the rabbit hole he went delving into research about diet and nutrition, and eventually cannabis. That's when he discovered there have been tens of thousands medical studies which evidence that the cannabis plant can be utilized via different methods to eradicate cancer cells, but only a handful of clinical trials have ever been conducted which is why mainstream medicine largely rejects cannabis as a cancer cure. This film will bring to light this research that the media and medical science have just begun to talk about publicly.

The filmmakers must raise $35,000 by Sept 30, 2015 via their GoFundMe crowdfunding campaign. "The success of the Go Fund Me campaign depends on it going viral. We need people to make any size donation and spread the word," said Does Pot Cure Cancer Producer Tina Downer. "We are also willing to take donations of airline miles, or other talents or services that could be of use." Said Danny Panzella.

This documentary tells several patients "anecdotal" stories of cannabis curing their diseases while backing those stories up with medical science right from the pages of the studies told through interviews with scientists, doctors, medical administrators, and the patients and families afflicted with cancer. The film also sheds light on how these patients are curing their diseases, documenting the exact protocols they are using.

"I can't bring my mother back, but I can honor her memory by offering the public important information that she didn't have so they can make the best and most informed decision possible about their treatment." said the films creator Danny Panzella "We are almost at a tipping point when the media, medical establishment and even the Federal Government are beginning to back away from their position that Marijuana is a dangerous drug with no medical value. I am excited about this movie and spreading information that can bring those afflicted with cancer closer to hope and a cure."

To watch the powerful movie trailer and donate to the Does Pot Cure Cancer? Go Fund Me crowdfunding campaign, visit
Click to Tweet @cannabisjuice (#doespotcurecancer); follow on Facebook at

Does Pot Cure Cancer? Creator and Co-director Danny Panzella and Producer Tina Downer are available for comment.

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