Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 843, October 18, 2015

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Letters to the Editor

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Re: SJWs Always Lie Reviewed by John Walker (issue 10/11)

I want to thank Mr. Walker for linking—first thing, yet—to the Wikipedia piece on Vox Day. Maybe it's because I'm Canadian—and thus naive—that I had not realized how deep Wikipedia is into this pile of shit. I've never seen such a blatant, obvious hatchet job even in a newspaper column or an election ad. The amount of bias, the level of name-calling, the procession of snide, vitriolic asides, is something I've never seen in anything that's supposed to pass for a scholarly article.

And the "Talk" page is even more hilarious, starting out with pious guidelines on how to improve the original article, including to "assume good faith", "avoid personal attacks" and have a "neutral point of view". The moderator (I suppose...) follows that up by ignoring each and every one of them in his responses to people who have criticized the article—leavening his remarks with a few more unverifiable (oh, yeah: that was another guideline—"verifiability") smears on Mr. Beale. I suppose I should have realized that their level of academic discourse would have descended to that of today's universities.

I don't know how interested I'll be in Mr. Beale's other writings, particularly his Christian ones, but I'm going to buy his book and it's highly unlikely I'll ever take ANYTHING on Wiki... at face value again. I know I don't have the resources to do it, but I think it might be a good idea if some libertarians started a "LiberPedia" to help us wade through this academic bullshit. I know I'd be willing to help.

Rob Gillespie
Signatory to the North American Covenant
Supporter of the Atlanta Declaration
[email protected]

The women of this country learned long ago that those without swords can still die upon them.
—Eowyn of Rohan

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Re: "Suppose You Were Fond of Books" by L. Neil Smith

Books (articles, blog postings, etc.) explain why you have a right to keep and bear arms. They may even advise you on how to use them effectively and what peaceful tactics to use to protect these rights.

Guns are useful for convincing people not to take away your books, whether they are thieves who plan to sell them or government officials who plan to censor them.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Re: "Open Letter" by A.X. Perez

On the other hand Odumbass may be playing on the ignorance of anti- gunners who do not realize that those restrictions are already in place to give the impression that he is DOING SOMETHING ABOUT GUNS. Meanwhile gun people cannot protest that he is imposing new restrictions.

Roger Clark
[email protected]

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