Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 845, November 1, 2015

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Letters to the Editor

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Homecoming Queen's got a gun (Unedited!!!)—YouTube

While I was putting the finishing touches on my latest writings around Saturday midnight I watched this video that a friend sent me a link to. I just about died laughing and even wondered how much trouble I could get into just doing that in this day and age where kids get suspended from school just for drawing pictures of guns.

Figured it might be a good source for belly laughs for the crew and readership of the TLE.

or: [LINK]

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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In Issue 844 I read the motto:

What Libertarians lack, in their hearts and minds, what they fail to communicate to others, is a vision of the new civilization they intend creating.

We do not often communicate this, but it is not a failing, it is because of the violent opposition by Lib Lites who don't want the masses to be aware of our goal, and do not want public perception of their vanilla goals tainted by the Non-Aggression Principle. They hope to get votes and support from people who like to Initiate Force. Lib Lites are afraid of alienating the thugs.

I have communicated libertarian goals several times. We want to end all Victimless Crime Laws, including all laws regarding acts between consenting adults, such as cannibalism, incest, dueling, prostitution, organ trafficking, money laundering, smuggling, blasphemy, obscenity, and public nudity. I was kicked out of the FSP for revealing this goal. The Lib Lites do what they can to suppress this knowledge.

""Zack Bass" (Larry Pendarvis)
[email protected]

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When you can carry any weapon you choose, but only need to do so for sporting purposes and perhaps to hunt;

When women have freedom of choice but don't fear to bring their children into this world because it isn't literally "hell on earth";

When drugs are freely available but life is so great no one would want to numb themselves to the joy and beauty of it with drugs;

When you can openly practice your faith without fear of discrimination, but may not rely on the state to help you force it down others' throats;

When you can speak the truth as you know it without fear of censorship or being shouted down, but must also listen to others refute you with facts;

These things are the beginning of Utopia.

BTW, Mike obviously took a nap at the end of The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress to protect the freedom of his friends. Too easy to make omniscient self aware computer into God-King.

Also BTW, TMIaHM is on track to be made into a movie titled Uprising. Figure it will be out late 2019?

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Re: "Letter from A.X. Perez"

It would be easy to say the victims of abuse should arm themselves, however, many lack the will to do so. Others created complications in their mind, especially once their abuser convince them they deserve their abuse. Women and men who don't fall for this get out of these relationships fast.

It is easy to say, and accurate. People, especially women, act this way because they are enabled to do so. I'm very sorry for them, but my freedom must not be the price paid for them to enjoy being irresponsible. Those who are truly unable to defend themselves need to hire someone who is—or find an armed volunteer willing to follow them around.

Just how in the world is their safety anyone else's responsibility? Why would anyone think that some government "law" would fix that problem? And if your only real objection is not being able to get your name off the list somehow, you may not really understand the problem. Trusting any non-voluntary government to protect your "rights" is a sure path to slavery and death. Have we not see enough of that to be convinced?

And the clincher, of course, is the fact that no law or "background check" of any sort will do a damned thing to ensure anyone's safety, and it sure won't do a thing to give the irresponsible a spine and the will to take control of their own lives.

A resounding NO to any such nonsense.

Mama Liberty
[email protected]

To which Mr. Perez replied:

Actually my objections are multitudinous. False outcries by manipulative spouses and others is one. Deliberate frames by strangers is another. The idea that the government can determine that someone that does not need to be incarcerated should be disarmed is a third.

Many years ago a family acquaintance who was about to be shot dead by an abusive spouse convinced him to commit suicide instead. Seeing as the events in question happened back in the Sixties you'll excuse me for not remembering all the details. Lacking that level of eloquence I will stick to firearms and cutlery, (mostly cutlery). I recommend the same course to people who are victims of abuse and am aware that too many of them won't take it.

Besides, who ever said a person accused of being abusive might not also be in danger of being the victim of armed robbery or that the abusive partner in a relationship was making a false outcry as part of the spiral leading to the abuse victims murder?

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Liberal Solutions to Everything

"What would you do if I sang out of tune?"—The Beatles

Raise taxes, give out welfare, and pass a new gun control law.

"These young girls won't let me be."—Warren Zevon

Raise taxes, give out welfare, and pass a new gun control law.

"Who will save your soul?" —Jewel

Raise taxes, give out welfare, and pass a new gun control law.

"The Song remains the same."—Led Zeppelin

Raise taxes, give out welfare, and pass a new gun control law.

I'd rather listen to songs than a broken record.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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While I wrote the comments below in reaction to this Article.

Consider them an honest effort at analysis and prognostication.

To be honest, at the time the United States butted in in Syria, Syria was not in any way, shape, or form engaged in any form of hostilities against the US. In spite of this we began assisting the rebels, who pretty much submitted to ISIL. To be even more honest the Russians and Iranians would be well within their rights to say they are siding Assad, that thy will take out all the rebels, and that they will execute any foreigners, including Americans, helping Daesh or any other rebel group.

This is a mess Mr. Obama and Ms. Clinton created by abusing the power entrusted to them by the people of the United States and it is time they are called on it. Do not be surprised if about the time of the November election next year Iran, Iraq, and Syria are unified into a Shi'ite caliphate allied with Russia and one cross word from formally declaring war on the US.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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