Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 856, January 24, 2016

We live in a moral leper colony.

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Letters to the Editor

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[Letters to the editor are welcome on any and all subjects. Sign your letter in the text body with your name and e-mail address as you wish them to appear, otherwise we will use the information in the "From:" header!]

Re: "Messing With the Constitution" by Thomas Sowell

Dear Editor and Others

Too bad I didn't submit my Farnham's Freehold review in that issue but I just had too many other things to do and it could still use some polish and another week of afterthoughts won't hurt either.

I bought and read Mr Sowell's book—Black Rednecks and White Liberals many years ago and loaned it to Bruce "The Historian". We both think it was an excellent and truthful portrayal of racial politics and offers insights needed for this country to deal with social problems in a reasonable manner. And ditto for his assessment on the progressive movement. They are always about democracy when they think they can buy their way into power with the promise of a free lunch or redress of pet issues—as long as the vote goes their way. Otherwise they want to reserve themselves the privilege to override the vote by way of executive orders, judicial decrees and most importantly delegating power to make rules to unaccountable civil servants- "experts" or "professionals" they are called.

Like the conservation people I've written about in previous articles who are the bane of the reptile hobby—as well as farmers and ranchers and others who make their living from the land. We made a terrible mistake in trusting these people with the power of kings. We need to undo that mistake and it's not going to be easy.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Please watch my new video!

I would like to introduce this 6 minute video. Please watch the whole video and keep the sound up. This video is entitled "Libertarian Revolution 2016". I wrote this message and a good friend of mine... a movie producer produced and directed it. I am very proud of this video. The message strikes me to my very soul, and I am pleased and honored to share it with you. It represents the essence of my Libertarian views regarding how we must save this nation from the damage done by the Republicans and Democrats working together over the past 100 years. Please enjoy the video!

Video Link

Steve Kerbel
[email protected]

[ Editor's note: I haven't watched this because I have some kind of aversion to watching video. I like to read, and I would rather do that. I know I'm some kind of wierdo, but that's me—Editor ]

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Re: "New York Values" by L. Neil Smith

Couldn't help but think of this one when I read your article on New York Values. Jerry Doyle used to play a sound bite from the end of this skit on his show whenever someone mentioned the Big Apple:

New York City!
Get a rope.
Link to YouTube Video

Of course Jerry is from the Left Coast which is in many ways just as bad.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Life Under an Iron Fist

This is "long", so the "10 second sound bite crowd" may have a problem. I hope they struggle through it anyway.

[article link]

Ban 'hate speech'? Is the Quran banned?

Jim Woosley
[email protected]

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Re: "Putting the Fun into Fundamentalism—A Review of Robert A. Heinlein's Job: A Comedy of Justice" by Jeff Fullerton & The Making of Revelation, Part 1

The novelette in question is listed on the official site as follows (taken directly from the website):

The Making of Revelation, Part 1

First appeared in: AFTER THE FALL, 1980
Also appeared in: THE PURPLE BOOK, 1982
Also appeared in: DEVILS, 1987
Also appeared in: RIDERS OF THE PURPLE WAGE, 1992
Also appeared in: HOLLYWOOD GHOSTS, 1991
Also appeared in: THE MISTS FROM BEYOND, Roc, 1993 hardcover
Also appeared in: THE MISTS FROM BEYOND, 1995
Also appeared in: THE BEST OF PHILIP JOSÉ FARMER, Subterranean Press, 2006 hardcover

[ ALL CAPS indicates a link on the referenced web page—Editor ]

Imagine the logistics involved of making a film of the end of the earth. Well, with God as producer anything is possible.

Hope that makes finding a copy easier.

[email protected]

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Snowpocalypse Now!

Preview of a future Norseman's Hell article. Not so much cold this time around. Just being buried—literally under what looks like a couple feet of snow that fell overnight and as of 8:00 AM Saturday morning it's still coming down!

Snowpocalypse 2016!

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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