Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 861, February 28, 2016

I do have a Presidential endorsement in mind,
a recommendation, as it were, for the LP that
I'm confident they won't follow.

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The Wrong Donald Trump
by J. Neil Schulman
[email protected]

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Special to L. Neil Smith's The Libertarian Enterprise

As I write this Monday February 22, 2016, tomorrow evening is the Nevada caucus. As a Nye County voter still registered as a Republican from the last presidential election when I was a delegate for Ron Paul, I could caucus if I wished to. If I did, the only Republican candidate I could have seriously considered is businessman Donald J. Trump.


Unfortunately, businessman Donald J. Trump is not running for president. The man who has been campaigning for the GOP nomination for president is a body-snatcher politician who has taken over Donald J. Trump's voice.

The businessman Donald J. Trump as shown on his television series The Apprentice and The Celebrity Apprentice treated all candidates as individuals, judging them based on their performance in achieving results.

The body-snatcher political candidate is a collectivist who speaks in jingoistic terms about nationalities and religious adherents.

The businessman Donald J. Trump gave political contributions to politicians because he knew these were pay-offs necessary to conduct his business as a builder, real-estate developer, and gaming operator. Were this man running for president he would not merely admit his participation in a corrupt system—as he has done—but he would acknowledge that he and businesspeople like him have been victims to a parasitical political class that needs to be destroyed—as much as Bernie Sanders wants to destroy the Wall Street banking/investment oligarchy—if America is ever to be "great again."

The body-snatcher Donald J. Trump only talks about making better deals.

The businessman Donald J. Trump was pro-choice on abortion because he knew that life begins when the mother decides it begins—not a religious leader, a politician, or a judge.

The body-snatcher Donald J. Trump says he is pro-life because that's necessary to win the nomination of a political party dominated by theocrats.

The businessman Donald J. Trump would speak of illegal workers as a resource being denied businessmen such as himself who employ such workers because it is the only way to make American manufacturing compete with slave labor in China and near slave labor in Mexico and Malaysia.

The body-snatcher Donald J. Trump talks about protecting "American jobs" instead of the comparatively free-enterprise that made the United States of America exceptional and a reversal of the top-down classist and colonial societies dominating every other continent.

Finally, the businessman Donald J. Trump knew war would bankrupt the American economy and that privacy was the first part of private enterprise.

The body-snatcher Donald J. Trump talks like every other Republican candidate in promising the Pentagon absolute first-strike-capability on the American taxpayer and support for a National Security State that can maintain all its secrets yet invade the privacy of every American citizen at will with no practical limit.

The businessman Donald J. Trump is a candidate that I believe Ayn Rand and Robert A. Heinlein could have supported.

If that man had been running for president even I, an anarchist, might have caucused for him tomorrow evening.

He's not and I won't.

Reprinted from
© 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 The J. Neil Schulman Living Trust. All rights reserved. Web and email links with attribution permitted and encouraged. Other reprints permitted only with prior permission of the author.

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