Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 862, March 6, 2016

Here was a rational ethical guideline, a way
for Killer Apes to trade and get along without
eating one another, that was more profound,
better "engineered", and more universal in its
application than either the Golden Rule or
Kant's Categorical Imperative.

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Letters to the Editor

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Re: "Because They Made It About Guns" by A.X. Perez

On April 19, 1775 the American Revolution began because civilians would not allow the government to confiscate weapons. The next American Revolution will begin for the same reason.

Roger Clark
[email protected]

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Minor comments

Given a choice between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton for President I grow more amenable to Texas seceding from the Union. Sadly, I am only 80% or so joking when I say this. At least the South had Breckenridge as a choice against Lincoln. The chances that either candidate will provoke a civil war, get us into a badly managed foreign war (hot or cold), or find some ingenuous way to wreck the US that would obviate the need for secession truly frighten me.

The dirtiest trick barrack Obama could play on the Republicans is to seek out and appoint a strict Constitutionalist to replace Justice Antonin Scalia. Not a Progressive/liberal, not a Conservative, but an honest man who would strictly interpret the evidence based on existing precedents, and the 'Constitution.

Question: when did this become a joke instead of a statement of fondly held hope?

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

to which J. Neil Schulman replied

This is not about the character or biography or achievements or misbehavior of political statements of Donald J. Trump. Trump's campaign is merely an amplification of arguments made by all the other GOP candidates, a cartooning of GOP memes about immigration, "American" jobs, etc. It's intended to be and is playing to the lowest common denominator.

Of course neither libertarians nor anyone with two neurons to rub together can take his statements as either literal intent or even consistent enough to make a coherent gestalt.

But what Trump is doing is exposing the behind the scenes machinations of the Neocons who hijacked the GOP and are now willing to destroy the party before allowing someone not in thrall to them to disempower them the way Donald J. Trump would.

Donald J. Trump is not the target of the Mitt Romney / Neocon faction.

Independent voters—many of whom previously supported Ron Paul—are.

J. Neil Schulman
[email protected]

and L. Neil Smith replied

The simple fact is that the thing I like most about Donald J. Duck is what I also like about Paleosarah Palin: they terrify and annoy the shit out of the political figures I despise most.

They would make a swell ticket together.

L. Neil Smith
[email protected]

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Proper Translation

Please remember that the correct translation of "the right of the people to keep and bear arms" is "el derecho de la gente a tener y cargar armas" not "el derecho del pueblo...." "De la gente" means individuals, "del pueblo" means the community (look it up on search engine of choice.). Victim disarmers are essentially arguing that the 2nd Amendment refers to "el derecho del pueblo" while gun right supporters are pushing "el derecho de la gente."

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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Goodbye Hello SOF

Soldier of Fortune Magazine has stopped printing in dead tree format and is going strictly digital. They are now at

They have supported gun rights. They followed wars in Africa and Latin America against Soviet supported tyranny ( admittedly often supporting anti-Soviet tyranny) and reported on as well as participated in the Afghan resistance to Soviet invasion when the Mainstream media turned its back on the same. They published some good stuff by Jeff Cooper (including the great phrase "mustelid enthusiasm" to describe the American tendency to violence) They challenged the efficacy of torture.

Perfect they aren't, but they have been educational. I wish them success in their new full time format (note: SOF has been online for a while now). I mean, what else should an amateur journalist whose whole body of work is on TLE do?

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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