Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 863, March 13, 2016

Truth, for Truth's Sake

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Letters to the Editor

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West Virginia's Senate Overrides Governor's Concealed Carry Veto


The law is set to go into effect on May 26, making West Virginia one of eight states to allow permit-less concealed carry. Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Maine, Vermont, and Wyoming are so-called constitutional carry states.

Interesting Comment:

I carry a gun because I'm too old and fat to carry a cop.

Dennis Lee Wilson
[email protected]

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Re: "Thanks for the Apology—I Knew What I Was Getting Into" by Norma Jean Almodovar

Hillary could do the nation and the rest of the planet a great big favor right now if she made the same career move! Along with the majority of the denizens of the wretched hive of scum and villainy that is already something of a brothel on the Potomac.

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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1967 Rothbard—War Guilt in the Middle East

[LINK to]

War Guilt in the Middle East
by Murray Rothbard, March 03, 2010 (Reprint)
This originally appeared in Left and Right, Spring-Autumn 1967.

The trouble with sectarians, whether they be libertarians, Marxists, or world-governmentalists, is that they tend to rest content with the root cause of any problem and never bother themselves with the more detailed or proximate causes....

WOW!! All these years and I FINALLY found an excellent explanation of Middle East events!! And it was written in 1967!!

[email protected]

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Gun rights supporters will consider the following as evidence that people need to be armed and that it is improper for the government to violate the right to keep and bear arms


The Anti gun press will report it, then continue to print articles claiming that people are not able to defend themselves with guns as irrefutable fact.

Victim disarmers will count this as one of the homicides that prove that "Reasonable Gun Control" is necessary.

Same facts, different" truths".

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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