Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 869, April 24, 2016

Scatter the oligarchy to the four winds!

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Letters to the Editor

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Keeping Track?

Dear Editor,

I just enjoyed the letter from Tim Bolgeo.

I remember very fondly several books by H. Beam Piper, so I went for a visit to the Gutenberg project link. Apparently persons seeking to keep our privacy are not allowed to use the Gutenberg site. The particular error message (403) reads:

"Don't use anonymizers, open proxies, VPNs, or TOR to access Project Gutenberg. This includes the Google proxies that are used by Chrome. Don't access Project Gutenberg from hosted servers."

Presumably this means that the operators of Project Gutenberg wish to track everyone who reads any books on their site, uses IP addresses to do so, and should be presumed to do so in cooperation with government agencies in order to track and target individuals with knowledge.

I'll go back to reading Piper stories the old fashioned way. On paper from my local used book store. Meanwhile, I continue to work with the guys at to use the most advanced privacy protecting protocols available.


Jim Davidson
[email protected]

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Re: "Forget My Generation. It's the Millennials that Scare Me" by Sean Gangol

1. The "crybullies" are manifestly unfit for any job and it's reasonably certain that the best they can hope for is flipping burgers and selling clothes to the children of people who actually work for a living.

2. If this path of history is not arrested by adopting self-responsible liberty, I can guarantee that their future masters—Feudal Lords like Bloomberg and Cuomo if they're lucky, the Chinese or Saudis if they're unlucky, and the UN Agenda 21 if the fecal matter really hits the fan—will pay no attention to their sensitivities while they are being assimilated, enslaved, or eradicated for the alleged good of Mother Gaea.

TJ Mason
[email protected]

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You said, [in last issue's EDITORIAL MATTERS]

"…We who are as good as you, make you, who are no better than we, our king. And we will bear true allegiance if you observe our laws and customs; if not, not."—The Aragon assembly, upon declaring Charles V King of "Spain", (i.e. Navarre, Valencia, Aragon-Castile, and Catalonia), January 23, 1516

There must be some way to include that in the Oath of Office for next Election Finality Inaguration Disaster Dipshit!

Isn't that basically the Framer's intended meaning of "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

It's just that the "if not, not" part has fallen victim to political correctness following the unsatisfactory conclusion of the "late unpleasantness," circa 1865.

TJ Mason
[email protected]

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