Down With Power Audiobook!

L. Neil Smith's

Number 874, May 29, 2016

Conservatives are collectivists—right-wing
socialists—to whom there are many issues
(national security, for one) more important
than the health, well-being, and rights
of the individual.

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Just a bit of FYI/grin

I thought you might get a grin out of this:

[LINK to alternate history forum]

The musical "Hamilton" (2015) by Lin-Manuel Miranda, has been considered one of the best Broadway musicals in recent memory.

Yet in the North American Confederacy (NAC) of L. Neil Smith's "Probability Broach" the federalists and Alexander Hamilton are seen as "spitoon" by the gun-toting, libertarian, pot-smoking, and homophobic residents of the alternate timeline.

Considering the musical paints Jefferson as a chicken hawk, who never did any real fighting and hypocrite who slept with his slaves, with Hamilton as a scholar born from a "whore and Scotsman, dropped in the middle of the Caribbean " its not hard to imagine controversy erupting...

What would the North American Confederacy think of an ISOT production of "Hamilton: The Musical"?

Thomas Rogers
[email protected]

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Re: "Socialism Is Forever" by L. Neil Smith

So, I suppose that it's up to the Venezuelans to save themselves, before they start acquiring a taste for long pig, as they seem to have in the socialist punkocracy of South Korea.

Errrmmm, South Korea is not quite at the long pig stage yet. North Korea, maybe?

Best regards,

[email protected]

[ Oops! Fixed!—Editor ]

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Re: "Socialism Is Forever" by L. Neil Smith

As for the Republicans, they have even less excuse. The idea that Mitt Romney, in a pout because he was rejected by every organism in North America with a nervous system, would seriously consider dividing the anti-Hillary vote out of prep-school boy spite, makes me want to vomit all over his blazer and expensive shoes. I am no fan of Donald Trump (remember, I have endorsed John McAfee, but will be voting against the commies); let me repeat that: I am no fan of Donald Trump. But if he can remove the Woman-with-One-Eyebrow from our lives, I'm willing to take a chance. So he's going to turn every church in America into a casino? Or perhaps build a TRUMP cathedral in New York City?

Bring it on.

Great humor! Was going to say that I laughed so hard I could have has a heart attack when I read this but are probably health benefits to be had from it. It's a total hoot! If only I could hear more like this on talk radio. Sometimes Jim Quinn will say something really funny- like his comments the day after the 2012 election when he talked about the day of reckoning when he would invite his listenership to "Pull up a chair, grab some popcorn and crack a Budd" while they watched the country coming unraveled in the fashion of Greece- fighting over limited government resources like people fighting over the last dinner rolls on the buffet table of the sinking Titanic!

And there was Michael Savage screaming at a clip of Nancy Pelosi when she was House Speaker; "Liar! Liar! Dress on Fire"!

Or maybe a really good Nigel Farage rant in the EU Parliament where he told Van Rumpey he had the appearance of a low grade bank clerk and the charisma of a damp rag!

Jeff Fullerton
[email protected]

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Folly. And More Folly

Socialism stinks on ice. Even where it appears to succeed it is subsidized by a strong capitalist base. Socialism broke Venezuela. Only North Korea, the domain of a madman, practices pure socialism anymore. China abandoned it, Russia lost the Cold War (the real World War 3) by practicing Socialism. Even Vietnam, the only nation to defeat the US in a war since Red Cloud's War gave up on pure quill Socialism long ago.

Yet Bernie Sanders, running on a platform of democratic socialism, has come within an ace of blocking Hillary Clinton from getting the Democratic nomination for President. Part of the support he has enjoyed is a rejection of the Democratic establishment. Another part is disgust with crony capitalism. However, it is the failure of the American education system to communicate the abject failure of Socialism to America's students that has led to this pass.

Perhaps when we stop obsessing where three tenths of a percent of the people go to the bathroom and other folly we can take time to notice that liberal/progressive style statism is as lacking in historical memory and that this is as deadly to life, liberty, and property as anything the Left accused Donald Trump of doing.

A.X. Perez
[email protected]

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